Big Bad Wolves

Big Bad Wolves

By Aharon Keshales & Navot Papushado

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2014-01-17
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 49min
  • Director: Aharon Keshales & Navot Papushado
  • Production Company: United Channel Movies
  • Production Country: Israel
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 380 Ratings


A series of brutal murders puts the lives of three men on a collision course: the father of the latest victim now out for revenge, a vigilante police detective operating outside the boundaries of law, and the main suspect in the killings - a religious studies teacher arrested and released due to a police blunder.



  • uggg

    By sokhte
    I cannot stress how monotonous this film is. In concept it could’ve been thrilling. Alas, it’s only advertised as such…. Any potentiality for true dark humor / psychological exploration / sinister fun was thwarted by one bland predictable variable after another. Big disappointment :( Wanted so much to enjoy !
  • Good psycho thriller!

    By Jeyaganesh
    It is really one of the best movies of 2013. It is a good psycho thriller movie with nice screenplay and cinematography. World Cinema lovers, don’t miss this movie. (Warning: there are few violent torture scenes in this movie)
  • A more violent and interesting episode of Law and Order:SVU

    By Datflybody
    I was wholeheartedly impressed by the filmmakers first movie, “Rabies”, so I eagerly anticipated their follow-up and I was not disappointed. What this movie lacks in any sympathy for the main characters it makes up for in sheer comedic genius. While some scenes are difficult to watch (when they describe the sadistic acts by the man accused ,for example), some were laugh out loud funny! It goes to show that not all Horror movies have to be filled with blood, gore and seriousness to really affect you. Ultimately, even when you realize how the movie will end, it does not make it any less difficult to accept. A thoroughly engrossing film.
  • Entertaining, but...

    By TheReal_THog
    I have to admit, making a dry para-comedy about raped and beheaded little girls certainly takes some guts, and to that degrees this movie was entertaining, but the raving “professional” critics way oversold it. It’s by no means the “best picture of the year.” A daring and risky genre? Sure. “Brilliant?” Nah.
  • big bad wolves

    By sabornieto
    pretty dumb movie, can't believe tarantino gave it a thumbs up.
