The Five Venoms

The Five Venoms

By 張徹

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1978-08-12
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 37min
  • Director: 張徹
  • Production Company: Shaw Brothers
  • Production Country: Hong Kong
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 142 Ratings


The most prolific kung-fu director in Hong Kong martial arts cinema, Chang Cheh, ushered in a new phase of his career and a new generation of action stars with The Five Venoms. The setting is ancient China’s School of Five Venoms, so named for its five types of kung-fu based on five venomous animals: centipede, scorpion, serpent, toad, and lizard. The school is notorious for the evil deeds of its disciples, leading to another classic battle between righteousness and depravity. This international hit, lauded in Ric Meyers' premiere, groundbreaking book martial arts movies as one of the greatest, spawned a series featuring the same actors in new roles which was also enjoyed from America to Asia.



  • Goofy7237

    By Goofys23
    The Venom Mob this is just an awesome movie that show how great these actors realley were. Today everything is by a computer back then these were actors and some camera tricks yeas but the amazing action just makes me watch in awe. The Venom Mob where a great group that just couldnt be matched.
  • the five venoms

    By fly smith
    just the best
  • Thank you iTunes

    By seanjohn21276
    This is my favorite kung fu flick other than Enter The Dragon. I was looking for it under the name I knew it as, The Five Deadly Venoms.
  • Bad House of Kung Fu Redemption

    By Frank C 66554321.
    A dying master asks his last student to right all the wrongs that his teaching did by finding the House treasure and donating it to charity. The hard part is the student has to fight 5 masters to do it. The plot gets thick and the fighting takes a while to come into play, but is worth it when it does. Good to see Wang Lung-wei playing a bad guy, as always, but this time, he stay out of the fight!
  • This classic has never looked better

    By Admo
    Looking for a ripping mystery/kung-fu thriller with a touch of ‘70s camp? Chang Cheh’s The Five Venoms fits the bill perfectly, and this classic actioner has never looked better than in this glorious HD transfer. Eye-popping colors, sharp detail, and (most importantly) the outlandish combat styles of the film’s five fearsome fighters jump off the screen without a scratch or a speck of dust to be found. English and Chinese subs and dubs are included so everybody can enjoy the fun.
  • Old school Kung Fu movie at its finest

    By stuckopihi
    For fans of old school Kung Fu movies, this is a must own for your collection. Shaw Brothers, Chang Cheh, and those recurring five cast members made classics. Awesome!!
  • The BEST!!!!

    By cryinfreeman112
    The Five Deadly venoms is the best. I guess now I can get rid of my old VHS. LOL
  • Alpha omega

    By D.Love.R
    This is the movie that pioneered the genre of cult classic kung fu flicks. You may like others better but you never forget your first. Best known as The Five Deadly Venoms this movie is ground breaking and brought together the best cast of actors of this genre. MORE SHAW BROS. PLZ! 👊
