

By Robert Luketic

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2013-08-16
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 46min
  • Director: Robert Luketic
  • Production Company: Relativity Media
  • Production Country: India, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 852 Ratings


An entry-level employee at a powerful corporation finds himself occupying a corner office, but at a dangerous price: he must spy on his boss's old mentor to secure for him a multi-billion dollar advantage.



  • Decent Movie

    By Beckjayy
    I mainly went to see this movie because of Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford, both of whom I consider Kings of Hollywood…and the attractiveness of Liam Hemsworth almost helped me decide to go. Going in I had high expectations mainly because of Oldman and Ford, however I was a tad bit disappointed…I wanted a bit more action. Other than that I enjoyed this movie.
  • Dumbest Movie of the Year!

    By ramsackle
    I will usually cut a movie a break, even if it is bad, as long as it provides some degree of entertainment. That could be in the form of some good action, some mystery, good acting, or any number of things. But this movie literally has no redeeming qualities. It is utterly stupid. The title of the movie does not even make sense relative to the silly plot. The location of the movie does not match reality (e.g., high tech industry is NOT headquartered in NYC). The plot is not even good enough for network TV. The acting is bad. The lead character acting is pathetic. There is gratuitous use of a pretty girl, which is fine with me, but even that was not done well. This movie was so bad that it literally made me angry. I would not even rent it. I made that mistake. Don’t give people that make such bad movies one cent of your heard earned money.
  • Bad

    By Willi mama jaja
    Embarrassment to the industry of film
  • AWESOME Movie! Money well spent

    By FiremanFighter
    This movie is great, lot's of turns and twists. I like movies that are not predictable after having watched the first 10 mins. It makes me happy when I spend money and watch a good movie, which is very seldom nowadays.
  • Paranoia

    By Virtualhero
    The movie never gets exciting. Liam Hemsworth is not convincing in his role. It is a good enough movie, if you are on a plane and this is the only movie they show. The movie title has nothing to do with the story.
  • Very Good!!

    By mcplanner
    I liked the movie…. I don’t care what the critics say. Good plot. I wish the secondary characters were brought out more.
  • Better acting--

    By Good Humor Man
    And a half-decent script would have saved this movie.
  • the Firm 2013

    By elizellenr
    This movie is like an update of The Firm with cell phones.
  • I wish I had the last 90 minutes of my life back

    By Scooterb7
    What a slow, boring waste of time. The description sounded awesome. Don’t waste your time. Clean out your sock drawer instead. It’s more exciting and productive.
  • Worth a watch.

    By supert3d_1975
    I don't normally write reviews but I feel compelled to at least try and balance some of the negativity. I was a little skeptical about the movie based on the low ratings but glad I gave it a chance. It's a pretty decent movie, worth the time. It's not going to win an oscar, but nothing much these days will. Good story, some good actors. If you're looking for something casual in a movie then give this a shot!
