Red 2

Red 2

By Dean Parisot

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2013-07-19
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 55min
  • Director: Dean Parisot
  • Production Company: di Bonaventura Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 4,068 Ratings


Retired CIA agent Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) reunites his unlikely team of elite operatives to track down a missing nuclear device. This time, they must survive an army of ruthless assassins, terrorists, and power-crazed government officials all eager to own the portable nuke. Relying on their wits, cunning, and old-school skills, Moses and his team fight to save the planet once again in this high-octane sequel to the action hit RED.



  • Unique movie with action comedy and joy to watch

    By Gcnj973
    Great cast interesting movie not boring but is keeping you interested
  • OK

    By Bill1369
    Not a bad flick - #1 was far better. I didn't think Korean guy added anything to movie but dumb scenes...
  • Not $4.99

    By Shoots1234
    iTunes please remark, it’s marked as $4.99 but is still $9.99.
  • Didn't remember much of it but bad

    By Nicholas becerra
    Red 2 is boring and overrated action sequel the first Red was flawless but at leasts that movie is more fun then this piece of lazy writting.
  • Good idea...bad delivery

    By comment now
  • Red (or Red 1)

    By DBLeFevre1
    I don’t know what happened to this movie, I had purchased it and had it in my library of films that I I went to watch it at 1:01 pm Pacific Standard Time today and it was no longer there. Red 2 was there (which is the sequel to Red 1) but for some reason Red 1 was gone! I’ve had it in my movie library. I checked other film libraries and it was not there either..... I’ve owned it for almost three years and now it’s just vanished!!! Has this ever happened before? Do I have to purchase it again? What gives with this!!! Please let me know what’s going on with everything. Thank You!!! Sincerely, Dave Le Fevre
  • Removed the first one?

    By chibininja13
    Did iTunes remove the first one? Because I owned it because I really like the first one and then I just got the second one and the first one is not there anymore?????
  • Red 2

    By trollogre
    Better the 2nd time around
  • Not as good as the first

    By Rambo8649
    I wanted to like it, but it wasn't as good as the first movie...such a shame.
  • Not garbage, but it's close

    By PabsLives
    The first movie wasn't great, but was serviceable...this movie was highly forgettable.
