"The Reluctant Fundamentalist" Starring Kate Hudson & Kiefer Sutherland. A successful young Wall Street exec is drawn into a conflict between his American Dream, a hostage crisis, and his homeland.
The Reluctant Fundamentalist
By Russ'sSis
An interesting film in that it presents the so called " other side of the coin" to the tragedy of the 9/11 attacks. It shows how innocent people of Middle Eastern descent were seen as criminals in the United States, being blamed for actions they had no part in. It also explores the differences between Pakistani and western culture. The performances of the entire cast are very good. I was impressed with Kate Hudson's role as Erica. I enjoyed this film and recommend it.
brilliant movie
By shamit
brilliant movie, must watch for anyone in India and the western world to understand the other side of the story!
Extremely average
By Karlcarlo22222
The concept is fresh, but the movie itself is slow and not well done. Many of the points feel very contrived. Poor film quality (very dark in the beginning for example)...
Interesting story and point of view holistically but poorly executed...
By HJ AL-Jaber
an amazing movie worth the time and the money
This was a thought provoking movie! Well done!
By aemory5
Excellent movie! I now own a copy for my movie library! If you like dramas and don't have to have gore or violence, watch this.
Not for everyone
By SK Indianapolis
Amazing fictional story that plays as docudrama. A must for all Pakistani Americans. Unfortunately it is a realistic but not uplifting story. It digs deep into the cultural divide that has developed since 9/11. I recommend it wholeheartedly to the sophisticated viewer who is up to date on current issues, but not what I would call a feel good movie. If you liked Syriana you must watch this.
Must see
By LucyB1234
Better than the book and a must see movie
So beautiful it hurts
By lufarah
Just watched it for the second time on iTunes - first time was on a big screen at the cinema. It's beautiful like a blow to the head that bursts in mini glitter explosions. The colours. The truths. I understand why the average american would not be able to appreciate it, though. It must be hard to see your preconceptions being shattered by such beauty and depth. Still, a must see. So beautiful it hurts.