Man of Steel

Man of Steel

By Zack Snyder

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2013-06-14
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 22min
  • Director: Zack Snyder
  • Production Company: DC Entertainment
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 15,296 Ratings


From Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures comes Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill in the role of Clark Kent / Superman, under the direction of Zack Snyder. A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.



  • I still like the original Superman movies

    By Lillyn64
    I’m a little late… Mine were the return of Superman and the Christoper Reeve movies. I wish they would have kept the original music soundtrack that they had for Superman in the beginning. Hans Zimmerman could have enhanced the Superman theme. I was disappointed that they didn’t start out with Clark Kent working in the office meeting Louis Lane. The romance between Louis and Superman is what made me fall in love. Plus I missed Lex Luthor. I was hoping for a man of steel 2, that would’ve made this movie perfect. The actor was great Hollywood has gotten lazy when it comes to remakes. They’re all rushed.
  • Took me til now to see it

    By PneumaPilot
    I was so locked in the MCU, that I didn’t care to see any of that DC ‘crap’. Then Disney took Marvel down the toilet, and I decided to take a look. Wow! This movie is insanely good! I don’t think I could have asked for a better superhero movie, or a better Superman movie! It literally does everything right. The only sus thing going on here is that Man of Steel has a 58% on RT and Thor 2 has a 66%. That doesn’t make sense in any universe. These critics really do set the temperature with their reviews, and so many people are content to go right along with them.
  • Best ever SUPERMAN movie!!!

    By Martin79NXT
    I definitely recommend it!!!
  • Great!

    By GlennBond
    Really liked this version. I loved how dark it was. Not some Disney version of Superman. It shouldn’t be. Why I like Zack Snyder’s movies. He isn’t afraid to push it. Go darker. Shannon was perfect as Zod. I prefer those three villains in the first Superman movie rather than Lex Luther. They are more interesting than Lex. To me. I also like the first Richard Donner Superman. Reeve did a great job too.
  • Evaluación de la película.

    By Stefan Mimica
    Todo lo que se armó esa película esta excelente y fue fascinante: los efectos especiales quedo en la batalla quedó bien hecha junto los efectos de sonidos sincronizados, buen soundtrack del fondo, y los actores que hicieron un buen trabajo interpretando a los personajes.
  • Classic

    By GA-Biker Boy
    Instant classic. Not a dull moment
  • Yty

    By richardchicago
    This Morning. Enjoying
  • 57% rotten tomatoes??

    By Hunter Belden
    Man of steel is one of the most inspiring cbms, The hate these movies get is unbelievable. MoS, BvS, ZSJL all are fantastic movies, recommend all the above
  • Love it

    By StangMann
    Best Superman made.

    By Macfann
    Well acted screenplay covers all, thoughtful, touching, great effects worth watching
