A Teacher

A Teacher

By Hannah Fidell

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2013-09-06
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 15min
  • Director: Hannah Fidell
  • Production Company: Oscilloscope
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 92 Ratings


In this provocative psychological thriller a young high school teacher unravels after she begins a torrid love affair with one of her teenage students. What starts as an innocent fling soon becomes dangerous and destructive.



  • Vanal

    By Marco Palou
    So disappointed. I lost 5 bucks. Nothing happens. I love slow films but this was just lame. There’s no point in telling this story. It starts showing you all what the movie is about and it ends the same way.
  • A Lesson

    By Operation-Midnight-Climax
    If this film taught me anything, its you should avoid any Hannah Fidel project at all cost. You can literally get more action out of watching a second coat of paint dry.
  • A time waster

    By Blrmenne
    Really wanted this movie to be better. I should have known better. If you want to watch a movie about a woman jogging down the street, then this is your movie. I think any positive review on here is from a friend of the director or they were paid. The actors are good just not a good script. This was a huge waste of my money. Just glad I rented here though instead of spending 8$ to see it on demand.
  • Realistic

    By Bloominggirl
    I liked this movie. I really liked how it was realistic. Some people mentioned how they wanted to know how it all started, but I liked that I came into the movie in the middle of it. I like how sometimes, we don't get answers to things, the why of things. I would have liked to know what happened in the end, but I think we didn't really need the ending so much. It was pretty well implied what the outcome of it all would have been. I liked the main actress, I thought she did a great job. Watching here character, I could see what she was feeling, and that's always a good thing when I watch a movie. All in all, a good movie to me.
  • Not psychological or thrilling

    By 2309482309527
    The only "thrill" in this movie was wondering if it would ever redeem itself. All of the important questions are left unanswered: why did it start? who are the characters (i.e. what in their past made them vulnerable to this)? what was the aftermath? Just all around boring and absolutely not worth the time or money.
  • A Teacher

    By NothernCal
    Terrible film. Unwatchable performances. Indulgent uninformed directing. Had to keep skipping. Pointless story. No story arc or structure. Looks like high school film or beginning film school. Cannot believe this film got financing or distribution.
  • One of the worst movies I've ever seen!

    By Christy Conyers
    I found the trailer interesting and that's about as far as it goes. This feels like a film that was meant to be a short but then got stretched to feature length…barely. The editing is sloppy and many scenes go no where. By the end of this film I still couldn't tell you a single thing about any of these characters or their motivations. This film had no point, added nothing new to the subject and was a waste of my time.
  • An Unexpected ride

    By Mdjoslyn
    The remarkable thing about this movie is how it takes a tabloid story concept and turns it into a deeply personal experience. Instead of sitting in judgement or getting a voyeuristic thrill from the story, you feel a true connection to the character's wave of emotions. Lead actress Lindsay Burdge skillfully draws you into her character of Diana Watts, so that you feel her lust, her fear, her desire to escape. The pull is so subtle that you might not even notice it until the film's sharp turn, where you tumble into Watt's panic and desperation as intensely as she does. Other reviewers are correct in that the story is a bit underdeveloped. Yet that doesn't stop the film from being a satisfying experience. The film may lack scenes of dramatic dialogue, but with displays as simple as a crack in her voice or a pair of sad eyes behind a smile, Burdge never lets you feel like you've missed out on any aspect of Watts. As a straight forward narrative, the film may fall flat, but as a showcase of an extraordinary talent, one that can give tragic life to someone who would otherwise be a late night comedy joke, the film is well worth renting.
  • Don't buy it

    By Patchi27
    Not worth $5. Pointless. We don't know how the affair started and we don't know how it ends.
  • great character movie

    By belamour1
    Great movie, although I know individuals seem to want a beginning and a more definitive ending, is that realistic? is that real life? No, this movie brings us into the story after the beginning, but lets us in on a woman's dysfunctional psychological functioning and does leave us hanging, but also lets us see the unfortunate impact of a passionate, illicit affair that is bound for failure.
