Ip Man: The Final Fight

Ip Man: The Final Fight

By 邱禮濤

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2013-09-20
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: 邱禮濤
  • Production Company: JCE Movies
  • Production Country: Hong Kong
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 390 Ratings


Watch Ip Man: The Final Fight before it hits theaters! In postwar Hong Kong, legendary Wing Chun grandmaster Ip Man is reluctantly called into action once more. What began as simple challenges from rival kung fu schools soon finds him drawn into the dark and dangerous underworld of the Triads. Now, to defend life and honor, Ip Man has no choice but to fight one last time.



  • Do not buy/rent

    By hawaii89
    No subtitles, worst decision, and waste of money
  • Muy buena película

    By elpono07
    Pero necesito que la tercera parte este en español, para haci poder comprarla..😉
  • Great movie

    By Kwj978
    It was a great movie of D. Yen in it, and people below get Netflix and watch on there not rent or buy the high price on here.
  • this one should be the fourth

    By -Miguelin-
    it skips the part of ip man teaching bruce lee and there should be one that starts right when ip man teaches bruce lee since ip man 2 finished with bruce lee as a kid.
  • Good movie.

    By DaChampIzHere
    Yes there are subtitles, and yes it's Anthony Wong, not Donnie Yen but it's a good story. It would've been 5 stars if the fighting style matched all the other movies in the series.
  • Subtitles now

    By Robert_H
    The description says it has English subtitles.
  • Great

    By Rockeef
    Movie was fantastic, there are English subtitles.
  • liked it almost the best of the three

    By jees_louise_enough_already
    great movie.... and yes, it DOES have subtitles, you just need to turn on the English (not the subtitle option.) this leaves in original language and gives English subtitles
  • not an overdramatic hollywood representation

    By theRealZorro
    Probably the only time you'll ever see the streets of Hong Kong as clean as streets in Switzerland. A lot of effort appears to have been put into this feature even though most of it is filmed on a set rather than on location. Biopics are always diffcult to create because there is no true authentic movie that can recreate the life of a person in 2 or 3 hours. This attempt appeared to portray Ip-Man's philosophy and unassuming relationships to his students and local environment rather than his long factual past. It's no suprise since his son and previous practitioners of his art were also involved to advice the producers and actors. This won't win an oscar for best picture, but considering china and Hong Kong are still foreign to the west it was nice to see a flick not made in Hollywood with the usual suspects. It was also nice to see a foreign film that is up to par with anything hollywood could produce on the same budget. This won't be the last martial arts film on bruce lee or his Master, but it's one you won't want to miss. In fact you may just look forward to renting part 2 like I did. I would also like to add that subtitles do exist with this rental contrary to the user who said it doesn't. This film has 2 audio tracks; stereo and 5.1 as well as english subs. If you don't see them use a better video player like VLC.
  • Subtitles

    By SudoTechnickal
    Just so you all know... There are subtitles for this movie. If you are watching it via apple tv, it's in your settings (Settings --> Audio & Video --> Subtitle Language --> Select you language). If you happen to be watching this on your PC / Mac, there should be an icon that is on the control bar (I don't know what the proper term for it is, but it's the bar that you can pause, play, fastforward, rewind with) at the bottom of the video window that looks like a dialogue box. click it and select your subtitle language. Enjoy! :)
