I Give It a Year

I Give It a Year

By Dan Mazer

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2013-08-02
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 37min
  • Director: Dan Mazer
  • Production Company: Canal+
  • Production Country: France, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 760 Ratings


Since they met at a party, ambitious high-flyer Nat and struggling novelist Josh have been deliriously happy despite their differences. Josh is a thinker, Nat’s a doer... but the spark between them is undeniable. Their wedding is a dream come true, but family, friends and even the minister who marries them aren’t convinced that they can last. Josh’s ex-girlfriend, Chloe, and Nat’s handsome American client, Guy, could offer attractive alternatives. With their first anniversary approaching, neither wants to be the first to give up, but will they make it?



  • If you don't like dry British humour don't rent it and then give it a bad review

    By paulo647
    You must understand it is a British film and the humour is very dry. But I love this type of humour, I loved the actors also and would watch this film again.
  • Brilliant from beginning to end!!!

    By ooberliscious
    I did not see the trailer for this before I watched it so that may be why I enjoyed it all the more. I was bored and it was available so I watched it and I am THRILLED that I did. This is brilliant. The answer to those of us that hate the cliched rom com genre on principle because they are so predictable. This is a comedy for people that have acerbic wits, enjoy ironic and sarcastic characters, high IQ's and who don't like the usual romantic comedy. This is not for people that like Knocked Up or any thing like that- which is merely vulgar and not funny at all. It is shockingly funny- and just shocking at some points, and the humor while British is also very understandable to an American. One must embrace the "awkward" attitudes in order to appreciate the humanity of the characters. If you can't then you won't get it. If you enjoy Four Weddings and a Funeral, Bridget Jones, Death at a Funeral, Love Actually, The Holiday- the you MIGHT enjoy this movie. This is not a date night movie, nor is it a movie to watch with your parents. This is what happens after the "I Do's" at the end of most rom coms. It is dark but light.
  • couldn't finish it

    By SwissMindy
    wow. it isn't too often i can't finish a movie. rented this as someone said it had wry British humor. it didn't. it was crude, unnecessarily disgusting and worst of all i didn't even like the main characters..especially the woman. and i'm a woman! hellooo...this was no bridget jones, love actually or even the office...yuck. stopped it 1/2 way thru and wished i could get my $5 buck. painful.
  • Wow what a waste of money and time!

    Besides few funny jokes which can all be seen in the trailer. It is combination of bad script, bad acting and even worse conclusion. You always expect that things will pick up at the next scene but they never do. Especially the dialogs and characters were very shallow, you associate with any of the characters or like them. Furthermore there was no twists or surprises in the plot. I would tell anyone who wants to enjoy a romantic comedy with a loved one to run the other way.
  • Mis-led

    By kbfalcon
    The trailer seemed funny and my boyfriend and I thought the movie would be sweet overall. We had expectations that the ending would lead to the couple committing to each other. Spoiler: in the end they divorce and go for other people who they have been seeing throughout the movie. If the movie had an alternate ending, it would have been great. The real ending was disappointing.
  • does not even qualify as a “turkey”, more like a rotten pigeon baked with feathers

    By Zoiks&Away
    Oh man. It’d get ZERO STARS if iTunes gave us that option. About 27 minutes in, I had to look at the time to see where in the heck it was…. it was unbelievably awful. I continued to watch in the hopes it might get better - cripes, it got even worse! (And I really didn’t think that would be possible.) This is like 90 minutes of sitting next to the most annoying person you can imagine, who is also lewd. At $0.99, it was WAY over-priced. This wouldn’t even survive as a “movie of the week”. SAVE YOUR MONEY.
  • Not funny at all

    By Hotty Soffy
    I probably had too high expectations given the cast and the authors but I never laughed once. No humour, no funny tricks, no puns, no nothing. I'll go watch Love Actually for the umpteenth time
  • No don't do it!!!

    By m34me
    This was a horrible movie. Bad acting, poorly written, offensive premise of marriage and falling in love! I hated this movie and it's highly unlikely conclusion. If I could give this no stars I would. Don't waste your time watching this!
  • I want my $0.99 back

    By honestreview2001
    I thought, it's only $0.99, why not rent it and see. Ann Faris, Simon Baker, Minnie Driver-how could it be ALL bad with some of these actors in it. It is bad. I kept waiting for it to pick up and get funny, or entertaining, or ANYTHING other than boring. It never gets interesting at all. Please save yourself the time and trouble on this one. I don't usually write reviews because I think it's all subjective but this one is really horrible. If you insist on renting (do not BUY it!) you will be subjecting yourself to a slow death. You will be spending more time watch the "clock" to see how much more you have to endure to get your money's worth - you will never get your money's worth. If I had paid to see this in the theater, I would have left 15 minutes in and demanded my money back. Are you still thinking about renting this one? Don't say you weren't warned. Bad. Bad. Bad.
  • Save your $

    By MyzTodd
    I would have turned it off but didn't since I paid to watch it. Save your time and money, this movie is awful.
