The Secret

The Secret

By Drew Heriot

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2007-02-01
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 31min
  • Director: Drew Heriot
  • Production Company: Prime Time
  • Production Country: Australia
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 365 Ratings


The ground-breaking documentary and worldwide phenomenon featuring leading scientists, authors, doctors, and philosophers who reveal the Secret that transformed the lives of all those who lived it. This is the great Secret of life.



  • Hello

    By unciegoqueve
    It should be amazing the Spanish version. 🙏🏻
  • Casanova Williams Sr

    By OptionsAt12n6
  • If you want to change your life.. WATCH THIS

    By TayBri15
    Ive been watching this since 2007... My go to when I need any kind of motivation.. Remembering who I AM..! Love love loveeeeee THE SECRET! What you think about you bring about!!!
  • Healing

    By Millyfele
    I'm so thankful for this movie, it puts me in a better mindset
  • Changed my life

    By Aliciadianne
    This documentary allowed to realize the impact of my subconscious negative goal setting. After watching this i became able to connect with my spiritual life, set intentional, positive goals for the first time, and leave situations that were out of alignment with my joy. It does take practice, but watching this can be the first step to a whole new life.
  • The Secret

    By Perspicuous-1
    Very inspirational and true information. I frequently watch it over and over to revitalize my mind with its intuitive information, knowledge and wisdom. The information revealed is validated in many motivational books I’ve read over the years!
  • Wow!

    By MariahE.
    Literally life changing!
  • wrong movie

    By JTMcCleery
    this is a new 'the secret' movie. i hopped to buy the one narrated by a girl but you only seem to have this fake avaliable. a link to the correct one would be appreciated
  • Amazing AND Biblical

    By Macintosh2911
    I've studied the entire Bible for years, and this is spot on! Jesus says speak to the mountain, speak out your faith. Faith is born in the heart but exercised through your mouth. This film touches on that. Speak out what you desire, and goes further to say write it down. It even takes the rules of Ask, Believe, Receive from Jesus in Matthew (the reference is in the audiobook but I didnt hear it in the movie) It's true that God is in charge, though He wants to partner with us. If we complain all day and its a horrible day, is that God's fault, since He's in charge? No. We partner with him. If I go on a crime spree and hurt alot of people and then get caught and go to jail, is God in charge? Yes. Is it His fault I did all that? No. I decided not to partner with Him and His way, and He said "Ok, I'll let you, but its going to have painful reprecussions." So focus on what you do want. What is good. What is right. Be grateful and you'll find your self in harmony with the law of attraction. It's not 2 opposites: The Secret or God. Its a law that He's established, and if you seek to attract things for evil reasons, well, either it won't come or there's the law of karma. Such an encouraging movie! Ps After you watch this, go listen to Tony Robbins. You'll find he's been teaching the same things years ago, only it didn't have a cool name, like 'The Secret'. He talks about visualizing, writing out what you want and be grateful before it arrives. (the Daily Magic cd from his Get The Edge series, look it up on eBay) Everything about this is solid and true (though there's two lines that don't really fit 1:where the lady says "you are god" Obviously we're not, but we are like God, made in his image, which I'm assuming is what she meant. And 2: when someone says there is no "chalkboard in the sky" that has your plan writen on it. Well, theres no literal chalkboard, but God does say in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has plans for you! You just have to tap into it)

    By Supreme fan
    I have watched this movie over and over again and I learn something new each time! Love the books also
