

By Ben Wheatley

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2013-05-09
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 28min
  • Director: Ben Wheatley
  • Production Company: Big Talk Studios
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 514 Ratings


A hilarious comedy about a young couple who embark on a romantic road trip that unwittingly turns into a comedy of errors.



  • Unlikable

    By RickyCal
    This movie could have been entertaining. However there is not a single character who is likable, except for the dog. In the hands of a witty director like John Waters, mayhem can be gleefully infectious. But here it is just dismal and repellent.
  • Hmm

    By Flickr 1tb
    You might not love this movie, but it will surprise you
  • Deviously funny..!

    By iLexer
    Deviously funny..! In what world is this trash funny! It is a movie about obnoxious people being obnoxious.
  • Not for everyone

    By TiredWarVet
    Dark humor film with intriguing twist along the way.
  • Horrible

    By TTgran
    The preview and details totally misrepresented this movie. It was not even close to being a "hilarious comedy”!! It wasn’t even a comedy.
  • Not what I expected from British comedy...

    By Snitzels
    Perhaps I don't have the proper sense of humor… It was kind of bizarre, mildly depressing and odd. I generally adore English humor (hence the download) but this one eluded me. I can't say I hated it, but I didn't collapse with hilarity at any point. Or even crack a smile honestly. very weird.
  • Really!?

    By mabundis
    Barely sensible, and hardly funny - no idea how this got 85% on Rotten Tomatoes. Wish I could get my time and money back!
  • Editor's Choice?!

    By Skunsk
    I generally like dark british comedies. This simply did not justify itself.
  • Loud rowdy people are the norm and quiet people are psychos.

    By Observer2010
    Written and produced by loud rowdy annoying people. Makes no sense.
  • Couldn't find anything funny in this movie

    By jldvf007
    Twisted movie about two serial killers on vacation. So bad I'm sure someone is bound to call it art. Wouldn't call it a comedy in any case.
