

By Paul Weitz

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2013-03-22
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 47min
  • Director: Paul Weitz
  • Production Company: Focus Features
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 617 Ratings


Tina Fey and Paul Rudd star in this hilarious and heartwarming comedy about the unexpected detours we encounter on the road to happiness. Year in and year out, Princeton admissions officer Portia Nathan (Fey) has lived her life by the book. But during her annual recruiting trip, she finds herself reconnecting with a former college classmate, free-spirited teacher John Pressman (Rudd). As she bends the entrance rules for one of his very unconventional students, Portia puts at risk the future she thought she always wanted, and finds her way to a surprising and exhilarating life she never dreamed of having. From director Paul Weitz (In Good Company), and co-starring Michael Sheen and Lily Tomlin, it’s the feel-good movie critics call “funny and fresh!” (Glenn Kenny, MSN Movies)



  • Not a comedy

    By kearndogg
    The movie was okay. In the summary it says comedy so that is what I was expecting and it definitely wasn’t. I would consider this a drama with two comedians playing the lead roles.
  • Nevermind the Haters

    By agmxkk
    When I saw that the movie had 38% on Rotten Tomatoes, I thought “well, it DID look too good to be true.” So I didn’t see it in theaters. But as it turns out, it’s a great movie. It’s not groundbreaking, but it’s thoughtful, enjoyable and authentic. The characters are not caricatures, as they so often seem to be in rom-coms. The conflicts and resolutions are realistic and not over-emotional and the story is relatable and interesting. No, I didn’t laugh out loud throughout, but I was surprised by many of the plot turns and the ending felt appropriate. A raucous comedy might not have hit home the way this movie did. It’s a great watch!
  • It's not working

    By Cynthia3456
    I'm trying to watch the movie I rented not working I'm getting really frustrated and angry
  • You can't go wrong with Tina Fey

    By the real sonic the hedgehog
    Tina Fey is great in everything she does including this movie. It's a very nice clean movie.
  • Tina Fey and Paul Rudd deserved a better movie

    By Etienne95616
    You can't put Tina Fey and Paul Rudd in what claims to be a comedy and then create a movie with few comedic moments and an overly maudlin plot. The movie fails at any attempt to become a comedy, a romance, or a drama. You will walk away from the movie shrugging your shoulders and wondering what was the point.
  • Shallow dramady that had potential

    By xanadu7
    I hate romantic comedies. Not a huge fan of Tina Fey. But this film held my attention. The interesting nature of the conflicts in the story deserved more serious treatment than they were given. Though this film was marketed aggressively as romantic comedy, it is not one. If this film had a lead actress with greater depth & range, more courageous character development, & paid less attention to it's own glossy resume, it could have mattered. There were some interesting angles there, though the entire thicket of the plot & journey of the characters are predicated on a flimsy platform (I'd liken it to slipping on some wet leaves, falling down, and, as a DIRECT result, a year later, ending up winning an Oscar when you've never acted before). This film had potential. And was stacked but, ultimately, hollow. Not a comedy. Not romantic. Just Tina Fey judging, getting her life rocked by a slight twist, & being self important. As per usual.
  • POOR

    By Musik Criitc
    I bought this with high hopes but it was a boring, contrived stinker. Don't waste your money.
  • A wonderful surprise! Loved it!!!

    By Miss Evey
    I absolutely loved this film's take on the college admission process, and it was quite clever and humorous! Well done Tina Fey and Paul Rudd for giving us a believable, sweet characters, who were dealing with realities of Ivy League admission drama, and single parent dilemmas… This was a wonderful film!
  • Good lighthearted movie

    By Funmpls
    I liked it - nice pleasant movie.
  • Waste of money

    By lnferno
    Lost interest within the first 10 minutes
