Texas Chainsaw

Texas Chainsaw

By John Luessenhop

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2013-01-04
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 31min
  • Director: John Luessenhop
  • Production Company: Lionsgate
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 5.99
From 1,700 Ratings


The legendary story of the homicidal Sawyer family continues. Decades after the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, a young woman named Heather learns that she has inherited a lavish, isolated Victorian mansion from a grandmother she never knew. She and her friends travel to Texas to enjoy her inheritance, but her newfound wealth comes at a price as she stumbles upon the horror that awaits her in the mansion's dank cellars.



  • Very good slasher movie

    By Braxtonkelley65
    Awesome but not for a week stomach
  • good movie

    By paulrb
    i saw this movie when it first came out with my girlfriend and her best friend and all i can say is i was screaming more then they were. this movie was not the best one of the series, but it was really scary and at times hard to watch. there was not much 3D when we saw it, but i still enjoyed it, although the jessica biel version was the best one

    By Broken Headphones
    Disgusting, exploitative, pandering, and dumb, "Texas Chainsaw" manages to be all of the above, and then some. It's also offensive. Not in the way the original classic purposely offended with its stark, unflinching brutality, but in the way a movie like "I Spit On Your Grave" offends, in that it has no value other than that of giant dollar signs to the filmmakers. It's offensive in that it seeks to manipulate the audience into siding with the blood-thirsty cannibals over the vigilantes who put them down. And much like "I Spit On Your Grave," the villains are ridiculous Southern white-trash stereotypes portrayed in the same way only people from Hollywood can. When it comes down to it, the movie is a battle of evil vs. evil, and in that situation, who cares who wins? Alexandra Daddario stars as a young woman named Heather who suddenly learns that she has inherited an estate in Texas from a grandmother she never knew she had. So she embarks on a road trip with her friends to uncover her mysterious family roots, and pretty soon she finds herself the sole owner of a lavish and isolated Victorian mansion. But of course, Heather's newfound inheritance comes at a very deadly price when she and her friends stumble upon a horror that awaits them in the mansion's dank cellars…the psychopathic, chainsaw-weilding killer known as Leatherface. A bunch of random people die gruesomely, our central protagonist runs around aimlessly for what practically feels like forever, and the climax fails to resolve itself, like most modern horror fare tends to do. And that's basically it. There's no genuine suspense or tension to speak of whatsoever. Just a lot of mindless screaming, running, and unrealistic, computer-animated bloodshed. This flick is so bland, tedious, and ultimately forgettable that it leaves nothing remotely close to an impact, not even a single decent jump scare. At one point, the plot does try to go in somewhat of a bold direction by making Leatherface this film's anti-hero, but even that's already been done in so many horror flicks before, most notably in the Rob Zombie-directed "Halloween" reboots. Overall, "Texas Chainsaw" is a complete failure of a slasher movie on almost every level. The script is a bore and a chore to sit through, the characters (even the good guys) are all dreadfully annoying, unsympathetic stereotypes, and the abundance of gore grows more begrudgingly pointless as the plot progresses. I can't even say I enjoyed marveling at the blatant stupidity of it all because I didn't. It's just one big, inane, generic mess of a sequel that, by the end, feels like nothing more than a waste of time. If you really wanna watch a satisfying horror film, just rent the original 1974 "Massacre" or even the mediocre 2003 remake. At least pick anything that isn't this boring, non-scary dreck.

    By i'Chris
    Texas Chainsaw is without a doubt the worst entry in this movie franchise. It's nothing more than a money grab from the studio and its filmmakers. Its full of bad acting, bad writing and lots of bad scares. Not to mention its very predictable and very cliche. However that's basically what I expected so I cant say I found it too disappointing and I did sadly find it a little bit entertaining and fun to watch. I would recommend Texas Chainsaw for a good rental for a boring night, but nothing more and don't really expect to see much of anything you already haven't from these kind of movies.
  • like it very much

    By yea rite
    what mean rob zombie should of done it Halloween 2 he did sucked. had nothing close to do with the way the original did it. me and my friends love this movie. Saw it. I am glad they are making a sequel to this. it was done well with the gory violence that Rob Zombie does. His movie are just way too creepy. This movie was done in a way it. You know what he is doing. With the splatter and gore some horror movie are. thats why when it comes out I am buying it.
  • wth !!!!!!!

    By 2againsttheworld
    horrible movie rob zombie should of done this movie
  • It's bad but just fun too watch.

    By princz_bklyn
    Wow the plot was horrible. The begininng of the movie had so much to live maybe they'll pick up after the 1974 film. The timeline doesn't make sense. If heather was a baby in 74 how come she's twenty something in 2013? The sad part was there was no massacre. Hell even Rob Zombie's Micheal Myers killing was more brutal than this Leatherface. Anyways when your bored, this movie seems like an okay choice to watch.
  • Waiting so badly for this movie!!!

    By Abdulaziz.aleid
    Perfect, amazing, such an epic Movie !!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
