The Collection

The Collection

By Marcus Dunstan

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2012-11-30
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 21min
  • Director: Marcus Dunstan
  • Production Company: Fortress Features
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
From 1,043 Ratings


When Elena attends an underground warehouse party with her friends, she finds herself caught in a nightmarish trap where the revelers are mowed, sliced and crushed to death by a macabre series of contraptions operated by a masked psychopath. When the grisly massacre is over, Elena is the only survivor, but before she can escape she is transported to an unknown location. Fortunately for Elena, one man, Arkin, knows exactly where she’s headed. Elena’s wealthy father hires a crack team of mercenaries to force Arkin to lead them to the killer’s lair, but even these hardened warriors are not prepared for what they encounter.



  • A worthy sequel. Better than the first!

    By PLAGUE_6_
    The Collection is a sequel to the Collector. The connection of the movies is pretty minor, though this one is way better. The Collection is an action packed survival horror movie that builds on the mind and lair of this killer, making him better than ever. The pacing is great and keeps you glued the whole time, which is rare in Horror movies. This is a must watch for any true horror fan! Most of the movie is survival based but there is other great horror elements as well! Hope they make more in this series
  • My Favourite

    By PookyScary
    I was very surprised to see the movie received such low scores. The intro is very graphic, which put many people off - I've seen people describe it as "too far", but what constitutes "too far" in horror is purely subjective opinion. I actually watched this movie before I knew it was the second - the first movie being named The Collector. I liked The Collector, but I LOVED the collection. To me the movie was everything Saw should have been but did not succeed. The Collector is a cunning killer without hesitation or limits to his brutality. He is an incredibly smart, strong, well educated man who builds the most wonderfully diabolic traps for pleasure. Everything you know about him is hinted at through scenery and actions- he hardly ever speaks, in the two movies about him! They keep a really thrilling theme for The Collector through both movies of making him genius-level intelligent but also very animalistic - he growls, and his eyes shine back in the dark the way cat's eyes do - a very neat effect I found compelling. This movie features some great actors, starring our dear Arkin from the last movie, and a new batch of victims - particularly a teenage girl with a hearing aid, who makes you clench your teeth when she's in danger and cheer her on in her every small success. Without giving anything more away, she has a surprising backstory for you to piece together, with some really interesting characters joining the mix in trying to save her, while walking right into the Collector's proverbial claws. What disappointed me in this movie is what disappointed me in the last - the costuming. The Collector is dressed like a guy who tried to make himself a gimp costume out of thrift store clothes - despite the build up around him and his actions, I think he looks rather silly on his own. In spite of this, there are incredible practical effects that they leaned on for the torture scenes, which is ALWAYS better-looking than even the most expensive CGI, and keeps me more in the moment with its /apparent/ authenticity. By the end of the movie, I felt I had more questions than answers about who The Collector was. Truly though - this is ingeniously done. Despite the movies taking his namesake, they are not about The Collector. They are about his victims. They are about his survivors. Arkin, a troubled man trying to do his best to help others, truly just because he has a good heart (if not one that leads him down legal streets.) Emma, terrified, traumatized, but a fighter 'til the end. The movie isn't about The Collector. It's about those living in his world. In this movie, The Collector's racquet is greatly extrapolated upon - we finally get to see pieces of his collection, living and...otherwise. Living, dead, somewhere in between. The finale is incredible, with an ending that makes you hold your breath for your heroes. Also The Collector. You don't really know if you want him to get away. I thought the very ending was true to character with a hilarious callback to the ending of The Collector (the first movie). The Collection is twisted, terrifying, heavy on body horror and sadistic torture for no reason other than pleasure - and one of my favourite movies of all time. Please, ignore the low scores and take a chance on what deserves to be a cult classic.
  • Saw without the morality.

    By Chriscrimson
    That’s all that really needs to be said. Seems to be based on the books “the Collector,” about a man who collects bugs and his hope to capture a female companion to keep forever. This same book inspired real-life serial killer Leonard Lake and his partner Charles Ng. My complaint is that this is a direct why doesn’t iTunes have the original film, “the Collector?” It leads right from the end of Collector to the beginning of the Collection chronicling the full experience Arkin has with the Collector.

    By ddmosley
    I'm not sure what to tell everyone about this movie. It has nothing but alot of people getting murdered in horrible ways, and thats all. NOT a great sequel, NOT a good movie, NOT sure why it was made. My only guess is the director wanted to piggy back off of the first one to get a little more money as everyone would think the sequel would be great. My dog loved it however. Screw you Donald Trump;. Go check out Propagandi's new album entitled "Victory Lap", It's a rager.
  • Banks

    By JacobSartourius
    Coooool movie
  • Yasss

    By Emily Lawson
    This is a great movie if you don't mind lots of gore it is a very gory movie but over all one of my favs
  • Great movie!!

    By Reese-86
    Didn't hear much about this movie beforehand but glad we watched it!! Lots of action, gore, but with a good story line!! 👍👍👍
  • Don’t waste your money!

    By AllOfMyFiveCents
    Terrible, pointless…They're amateurs.
  • Okay, I guess.

    By CupieKristin
    I was really excited by the premise of the movie, thinking it would be a psycho with a collection of other psychos he's taken, almost a mix of "The Human Centipede" and "Hunger". I was a bit disappointed with the cheesiness of the effects, but overall an okay movie if you get past the gallons of fake blood that spray like a fire hose from every single victim.
  • Nothing special

    By DPurple Fan
    In the waste of time category
