Sister Act

Sister Act

By Emile Ardolino

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1992-05-29
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Emile Ardolino
  • Production Company: Touchstone Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 17.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,220 Ratings


Relive all the fun, laughter and irresistible music of Sister Act – the inspired comedy hit that packed pews everywhere! Whoopi Goldberg stars as a sassy, low-rent lounge singer forced to hide out from the mob in the last place anyone would ever look for her – a convent. While she's there, her irreverent behavior attracts a flock of faithful followers and turns the nuns' tone-deaf choir into a soulful chorus of swingin' singin' sisters. But when the group earns rave reviews, her sudden celebrity jeopardizes her hidden identity. Harvey Keitel and Kathy Najimy join a heavenly cast in this habit-forming comedy bursting with 60's Motown hits.



  • Love Is Movie, Watched Since My Middle School Years

    By Maleficent1999
    I didn’t always like “Sister Act 1” growing up because a movie like that wasn’t always my type, but after my mom bought it for our family household, I started watching it more with & without her. The same can easily be said about the sequel that follows the following year. I love the movie so much, I own a copy of the movie along with the sequel that follows. In short, I love “Sister Act 1”.
  • Big, fat, burping, fartingRACIST, anti-semite PIG Whoopi…

    By MaxxHead
    …can’t act her way out of a wet paper bag. Who didn’t know how RACIST she is back then??
  • Omg

    By love movie lady
    I love this movie for somebody who is younger this is one of my favs
  • Best Grandma movie

    By JellyJellyJess
    This has to be my grandmothers favorite movie! Possibly perfec story. I love you Whoppi!!!
  • Choral singing in general

    By Reed girl 72
    Looking back to when I was a young girl the idea of singing in a choral group sounded very interesting .It all started with GleeClub in elementary school and also in HighSchool.Fast Forward to when I was a member of the Contemporary Music Ensemble in St Ignatius Church in Chicago Illinois. At that time I was only relegated to singing harmony but slowly and surely it started to blossom into singing the higher harmonies like descants .After I than moved to Miami with my Mom to live with my sister Linda . I joined the English Choir which was under the direction of Mr Michael Derrick in St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church So that is why I love to sing .Signed Songbird who sings like a heavenly Angel either in high soprano or warm alto📱📲🎧🎤🎼🎷🎻🎸🎺💽💿📀etc
  • Amazing

    By lol otter face
    This movie is my absolute favorite you should buy this and enjoy it (By me this is a great family movie)
  • Sound of music (similar)

    By Tabletopmini
    The nuns in this movie sort of look like the one from the sound of music only for Julie Andrews (not in this movie) to play Maria a nun wish she would have cause she did it in the sound of music so as you can see how it kind a relates to it in a way only then nun part
  • Anonymous

    By Snndndk
    Love this movie so much
