Tai Chi Zero

Tai Chi Zero

By 馮德倫

  • Genre: Foreign
  • Release Date: 2012-10-19
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 38min
  • Director: 馮德倫
  • Production Company: Huayi Brothers Pictures
  • Production Country: China
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 120 Ratings


In legendary Chen Village, everyone is a martial arts master, using their powerful Chen Style Tai Chi in all aspects of their lives. Lu Chan has arrived to train, but the villagers are forbidden to teach Chen Style to outsiders, and do their best to discourage him by challenging him to a series of fights. Everyone, from strong men to young children, defeats him using their Tai Chi moves. But when a man from the village’s past returns with a frightening steam-powered machine and plans to build a railroad through the village at any costs, the villagers realize they may have no choice but to put their faith in Lu Chan… who has a secret power of his own.



  • Tai Chi Zero

    Well worth a watch. If this doesn't entertain you you might want to check your pulse. :)
  • Not even close to Kung Fu Hustle

    By storytellerstudios
    I found the movie to be “OK”. The storyline has potential but moves at a slow pace. The visuals are nice but not particularly memorable. The biggest difference from Kung Fu Hustle are the fight scenes, which are absolutely spectacular in Hustle, but are mediocre, at best, in Tai Chi Zero. The movie uses visuals to diagram the Chen style kung fu, but does so at the expense of choreography. Once again- the fight scenes are very weak when compared to anything you’ll see with Stephen Chow. There is also a real “silliness” to the movie, such as the final fight scene where the villagers throw fruits and vegetables at the Imperial soldiers. Watermelon to the face style kung fu just doesn’t quite make the grade! The “freak”, as he is called, seems to have some real skill, but choosing a Chinese national wu shoo champion for a lead part has it’s drawbacks- it has worked before, but this young man doesn’t have the same charisma nor screen presence of Jet Li. He is overmatched by the actors surrounding him, and maybe that’s why his dialogue is one of repeatedly saying “What the hey!” over and over again. I will not be purchasing the sequel.
  • Funny!

    By Berkeley Rooster
    Funny movie. Tai Chi Hero is a continuation of this flic and it is better made.
  • Traducción

    By X4parra
    Al español falta si es posible o subtítulos SALUDOS
  • Great Movie

    By Jon Dill
    Awesome. Can't wait until part 2 is ready for iTunes.
  • Greatness

    By Gram1940
    Got some bad parts but also has great parts in this movie. If you've seen Kung fu hustle then you will most def love this one.
  • Break even

    By Butterfly RN
    This movie was corny but had typically good karate fighting. If the producer could've left out the video game effects this would've been a better movie.
  • Good story, great fight scenes

    By RonGoleman
    There is an engrossing story, coupled with amazing effects interlaced into the fight scenes. The steam punk feel to it is also interesting. If you don't like subtitles, you'll be dismayed, but the story flows so well, you'll find yourself begging for the subtitles. Good film.
  • Taichi hero

    By Nammyyuu
    I love it!!!!
  • Don't waste your $

    By Qbhouston
    In a word: horrible. If there is a word to describe it worse than horrible, I would have used it.
