The Cold Light of Day

The Cold Light of Day

By Mabrouk El Mechri

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2012-09-07
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: Mabrouk El Mechri
  • Production Company: Film Rites
  • Production Country: Spain, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 913 Ratings


Bruce Willis, Sigourney Weaver, and Henry Cavill star in this pulse-pounding thriller about a man who’s plunged into an intergovernmental web of lies and secrets after his family is kidnapped. To get his family back alive, he must evade deadly secret agents and recover a mysterious briefcase.



  • The cold light of day

    By Sverre Sundman
    A good take on action/adventure film - great that location is not the standard NY/LA set. Further script is not “America saves the world”. Of course American reviews are bad - not enough blood with explicit violence. - i.e. movie is good and worth watching.
  • I Watched This Twice, Back-to-Back!

    By Trixie, Pixie, Mellie, and Fred
    I love this movie, and I watched it twice back-to-back—it was as thrilling the second time as the first. As far as the rotten tomatoes go—if the critics hate it, I tend to like it, and this was another case in point. The movie is beautifully filmed and acted. I found the story of the young, untrained American in peril—and trying to save his family—compelling. His quick thinking saves himself and the day. It's the kind of movie that lends itself to wondering: "What would I do in this situation." I'm hoping for sequels!
  • it was a struggle

    By Toadsch
    it was a struggle to make it to the end of this. i thought it was going to be a good movie because of bruce willis, but he couldn’t save it for obvious reasons. They even managed to ruin the whole good guy gets the girl in the end bit. Even the requisite violence was half-a**ed. watch it if you have time to kill, but you’ll only watch it once.
  • Really… I thought I'd fight the odds and watch it

    By YouLUVmeh Longtime
    I was wrong. Bad choice. Save yourself the 4.99.
  • Sort of a yahn fest

    By iTuneaholic
    Im sure I was going to spend my money on something stupid. Well this movie was it. It's a very boring "B" grade movie if I ever saw one. Don't waste your money. Besides Bruce Willis dies in the beggining of the flick. Waste of time and $$$..
  • Wow

    By DjQuaterz
    Wow, as in, I can't beleive they are selling this flick. I thought everyones' acting was horrible, which is a shame cause I usually like Weaver and Willis. It was a struggle to finish. Preview and story were ok, but should of read the reviews.
  • Seriously don't waste you money

    By Sambosoca
    It's not worth the time you'll spend watching it.
  • Not good

    By Ianc435
    Goofy and silly acting. Story not so good. Timeline way out of whack
  • Dont rent

    By Doshia Freeman
    This movie sucked so bad. the acting, the plot, i didn't care for anything about this movie. if its on tv, you could watch it but i wouldn't waste your time.
  • just not a good story

    By wmlcsw
    wow. i'm seeing most reviews rated this movie as poor. wish i would have looked here before i rented. the best actor, bruce willis, should have been used more and maybe this movie would have been a tad better (love his sardonic humor in other movies). unfortunately this movie is just boring. predictable story and unmoving. sorry folks.
