All Superheroes Must Die

All Superheroes Must Die

By Jason Trost

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2013-01-04
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 17min
  • Director: Jason Trost
  • Production Company: Grindfest
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 40 Ratings


Four superheroes find themselves abducted by their arch nemesis and are forced to compete in a series of challenges in order to save an abandoned town full of kidnapped innocent civilians. They go through round after round of violence and are unable to save any of the civilians as the challenges seem to be rigged in an effort to make them lose. The heroes discover that the arch nemesis is held up somewhere in the town and make a plan to find him. After a long night with many people both good and bad losing their lives, the heroes finally track down their arch nemesis and confront him in an attempt to save not only the innocent civilians and the town, but what's left of their own lives as well.



  • I WANT to like this....

    By Xavier Sharp
    As an aspiring indie filmmaker myself, I am always rooting for these indie filmmakers to make good movies. Unfortunately, this is not one of the good ones. More unfortunately, this is probably the worst film I've ever seen. There's nothing wrong with ambition, but if you don't have the ability to make an action movie with believable sets, props, constumes, or choreography, then you probably should not make said film. ASMD fails on every level. I mean that lovingly. There is nothing I can say about this movie that is positive, except, maybe, that James Remar is entertaining in it. The acting is absolutely atrocious; there are no special effects; the costumes look stupid; the storyline is boring and predictable; the characters are flat and one-dimensional; and perhaps most egregiously, it FEELS like this movie was shot for $500. I'm really not trying to be mean or anything, but, honestly, it's shocking that this guy was trusted to make movies after this disaster. And, interestingly enough, How to Save Us is significantly better. It's not a masterpiece, but it's at least watchable, unlike ASMD. I have to award this one star, but think of it as zero stars.
  • Trost does it again!

    By atoystory
    Another well-versed, well-composed, low-budget gritty film from Jason Trost. His imagination never ceases to entertain me. Well worth my time and money spent.
  • OMG!

    By awkwardkitty
    These guys made an awesome low-budget, story-driven super hero movie! If you're looking avengers, you won't get that. If you're looking for a fascinating tale of heroes who sat back on their laurels, you will be amazed.
  • Why?!?!

    By Why?!?!!
    I need to know what happened before there a movie before this?!?!? Or possibly a tv series or something else? I'm very confused by it :/
  • terrible

    By That Fresh Guy
    wasted the on;ly thing i cant get back.....TIME!!! Dont waste yours!!!
  • Screw the reviews

    By MLC!
    I don't care what anyone says, this film is incredibly well done for it's budget, and the plot is really edgy and pretty well written. Sure, some of the actors aren't completely on par but that's because this is basically a grindhouse movie. It reminds me of John Carpenter's early work. I think it's very good, at the least it's worth watching once. I hope it's sequel can have a better budget so the film can really shine. Good work, Trost.
  • ZZZZZZZZZzzzz......

    By Max P. Sterling
    if this movie was ment to put you to sleep it should be up for major awards. i was hopeful that the movie wwould enterain but i feel alseep woke up and picked it up from where i remembered and almost fell asleep again. i should buy this movie. so that when i am having problems sleeping i'll watch it.
  • Delooxe

    By sandstone
    This is so snap it crackles while it pops. For reals
  • Really surprising!

    By bftron
    We've seen a huge up rise in superhero films in the past few years from the re-envisioning of classic superheroes, to grittier take of regular folk being superheroes to actual documentary on real life superheroes and just when I though we could run out of energy on the genre, here comes ASMD smashing up expectations left, right and centre kicking us back into place with an old skool take of with over the top villains and high stakes scenarios. With the set up of superheroes vs. evil villain in a race against time with hapless, rigged-to-explosive victims it's easy to try and cram the film into a Saw shaped box painted with Joker colours, but ASMD is so much more. The film really looks at both the power of choice and the role that we play in our lives, and also looks at even if we have a choice about that role. Do we work with it, or against it? What happens if more than 1 person wants the same role? And, is it even possible to be anyone but who you really are and even if you stay true, can that still create inner conflict? I really appreciated the fresh take on a classic superhero story full with moral dilemmas, rivals & friendships plus battles of brains & brawn. I also really enjoyed the performances of the cast especially lead actor/director/writer Jason Trost as the quietly-heroic & reluctant leader as well as from Lucas Till (X-Men: First Class) who continues to shine in everything he is in and I anticipate seeing many more great performances from him in the future. Huge kudos to the filmmaker for taking a bold and brave move in a genre that has exploded but often offered us the same dark and dismal look at the world. Who knew this indie gem out would re-light the fire of tried and true heroes. I didn't, but I'm happy it did. I highly recommend kicking back old school checking out ASMD.
