Save the Date

Save the Date

By Michael Mohan

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2012-12-14
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Michael Mohan
  • Production Company: Instinctive Film
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 101 Ratings


After an ill-timed and very public marriage proposal, fiercely independent Sarah (Caplan) breaks up with her overeager boyfriend Kevin (Arend). Sarah turns to her sister Beth (Brie) for support, but Beth is too busy obsessing over the details of her own wedding to Kevin's band mate, Andrew (Starr). When Sarah suddenly finds herself caught up in an intense rebound romance with the adorable Jonathan (Webber), she is forced to examine her own fears of commitment and vulnerability. With honesty, heart, and humor, all five struggle with the trials, happiness, and pain of modern love. In the end Sarah must decide - is it better to stay safely single or to risk it all on love?



  • Vacuum

    By rodneyjohnboxer9
    Watching this dreadful, student film is like slowly suffocating to death in a high school gym bathroom. This movie reflects how bad society has become: self important in delusion and aimlessness… What a waste of time and rental money… Absolutely horrible….
  • Spectacular

    By KatyLeigh22
    Truly a great film, just incredible! Loved it all the way through. It wasn't as predictable as I thought it would be. I absolutely recommend people give it a chance, you'll love it.
  • Refreshing

    By Rachie Michelle
    I actually really liked this movie and I thought that this was Lizzy Caplan and Alison Brie at their best. This movie has a somewhat bittersweet quality that just kind of stuck to me, in a weird way if that makes sense. I think it was because I wanted Sarah to be with both Kevin and Jonathan, since they are both wonderful, amazing guys who love Sarah for who she is. This movie, in my opinion, is a more refreshing and original take on 500 Days of Summer and I recommend everyone to watch it.
  • waste

    By agraham89
    seriously one of the worst movies i have seen. do not waste your money.
  • Save the date

    By KSdew
    Do not waste your time. This movie is sophomoric. One star is too much.
  • Waste of everything...

    By ageis
    This film takes itself way too seriously executing tired ideas, poor writing, bad acting, and lackluster filmography. There are no redeeming qualities here whatsoever. Save your money and time...or rent any number of films in the 90's or 00's that deliver in this genre ten times better. On a side-note, it's very misleading that the trailer boasts such "related" movies as Garden State - - this movie is not even a blip on the radar.
  • Terrible

    By Glaspie
    The cat, Ferdinand, is the most interesting character.
  • Different.

    By nerissalynette
    This reminded me of 500 Days of Summer. You'll enjoy this movie if you like different movies. Great cute movie, is recommend it.
  • Hate rom-coms but loved this movie

    By Mommybaker
    If you go into it accepting it for what it is, you will enjoy the ride. With the exception of Lizzy Caplan (who is usually fun to watch) the acting was just outstanding. Mark Webber, Mark Star, Geoffrey Arend, and Brie Allison elevated a script and a storyline that could have been cheesy and made it beautifully raw, especially Mark Webber...Wow. I've seen him in several other productions, even when he was doing more theater off-Broadway in late 90's, but I didn't notice him until this role. If you have an awesome script like American Buffalo to work with, Mamet gives you a gift you have to live up to. This time Mark Webber had to play a guy who we have met many many times, but he brought a new spontaneity and ingenuity that just sucked you in. Just wow. It made me want to watch everything he's been, especially his new movie, End of Love. So the storyline is not new, but the dialogue is witty and compelling. The director has a couple of cliche/borrowed shots from Annie Hall, but it ends up being what it's trying to go for a modern day Say Anything/Singles/Reality Bites (the only other rom-com I've ever liked).
  • Terrible

    By drclincoln
    This was a waste of money and time. I don't like to be so blunt but the movie was almost an insult to the viewer. The only positive was the acting by the guy who played Sarah's fiancé. He was wonderful such that I felt sorry for him that he had to act in the pitiful film.
