Licence to Kill

Licence to Kill

By John Glen

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1989-07-14
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 13min
  • Director: John Glen
  • Production Company: EON Productions
  • Production Country: Mexico, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,957 Ratings


Shortly after an important drugs bust, CIA Agent Felix Leiter is married, but when the drug lord he arrested escapes, kills his wife and mutilates Leiter his old friend British Agent James Bond seeks revenge. When "M" orders 007 to drop the matter and start a new assignment, Bond deserts her Majesty's Secret Service and embarks on a world wide personal vendetta to kill those responsible.



  • Really good!

    By GlennBond
    Great Bond film! Love this one. This has to be one if not the most violent Bond film ever made. Timothy Dalton did a great job in this. Robert Davi makes a perfect villain too. Was also great to see a young Benecio Del Toro in this. Beautiful women. Great action. Wish Dalton would have made more Bond films. Only two he made. He is really good.
  • The best movie ever

    By Max Drax
    Where was rotten tomatoes going with this?! This is the best movie ever! Although, there were a few very violent and brutal scenes, like where Milton krest got his head blown off, when Dario got shredded in the pulverizer, and henchmen getting killed by sea animals(The big one I’m talking about is the warehouse guard getting electrocuted by an eel.) The most brutal scene was when Felix leiter Lost his leg and arm in a shark accident.
  • Decent, but not as good as the other bond films.

    By JamesBondfanatic94
    My opinion of the films has changed quite recently, I think Licence To Kill was an ok bond film. Now, it’s not that I hate this film, but it’s just not really my cup of tea. There are some good parts of the film. The opening scene, Carrey Lowell as Pam, Michael Kamen’s score, Robert Davi as Franz Sanchez, The climax and that’s that. However, there are some parts that I don’t like. The opening song, Milton Krest’s head blowing up, Timothy Dalton’s Bond being way to intense, Talisa Soto as Lupe Lamora being like Camille, The Violence and gore and Felix’s leg getting bit by a shark. Although may not be my favorite bond film and though if had a PG-13 rating, I felt that this film was way to gory and a bit out of place. Overall, it’s not half bad, it’s just...Decent. Score: 5/10.
  • This,

    By hq197
    T. Dalton "Bond" was much more enjoyable than his other movies. Unlike other Bonds, this movie has more of a 1st person feel than the second or third person feel of past and present Bond movies. Up close and personal, action. "Can't look, must look" horror (I hate sharks). Seedy and sadistic villians (I mean really seedy). This movie takes the villians to a different level. More within "our" frame of mind. I hate Yuppies. Pain of love, pain to be loved, loved pained. There are some very deep scenes in the movie, surprising for a Bond film. Not to mention good on camera jokes. Is it the "best" Bond movie, no. Is it the reason we are fans of the franchise and of T.Dalton, hell yes. Popcorn, beer (or hot cocoa), a warm blanket, a dog at your feet, a cat on your lap, and the one your close to is how you should watch this movie. You won't be disappointed.
  • My fav

    By Hummerboy666
  • Another good bond movie.

    By Jolovesgum
    The next James bond movie that I will watch next it GoldenEye. I watched this movie this evening with my dad.
  • Absolutely underrated and classic!!!

    By The judge from the darkness
    You know, we all say that Daniel Craig is now the most accurate portrayal of Ian Fleming's James Bond; well, wait till you see Timothy Dalton's James Bond. Dalton's James Bond practically shaped Craig's Bond. This film not only features a realistic Bond but also a realistic villain who is not just some psychotic industrialist that tries to create a worldwide catastrophe. If you like to see a hardcore and serious James Bond, this is the film for you!!! I give it a 95/100.
  • Dark, Fantastic, and Underrated!!!

    By Micahman109
    The best of Timothy Dalton's era as Bond. I personally think Dalton was ahead of his time. Daniel Craig is my favorite Bond and I think of Dalton as an earlier version of Craig. License to Kill features a great Bond girl in Pam Bouvier, Robert Davi as Franz Sanchez as an unforgettable villain. License to Kill is definitely in the top 7 of Bond films!
  • Wrong ratting

    By Kasspod
    This R rated extended cut Not PG-13 movie that was in theaters
  • An underrated classic

    By Squid0110
    Timothy Dalton, while not the best bond, really shines in this film, which is grittier, more edgy, and ultimately better than many others. Don't listen to the haters!
