Step Up Revolution

Step Up Revolution

By Scott Speer

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2011-05-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 38min
  • Director: Scott Speer
  • Production Company: Summit Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 5.99
From 2,052 Ratings


Step Up: Revolution is the next installment in the worldwide smash Step Up franchise, which sets the dancing against the vibrant backdrop of Miami. Emily (Kathryn McCormick) arrives in Miami with aspirations of becoming a professional dancer and soon falls in love with Sean (Ryan Guzman), a young man who leads a dance crew in elaborate, cutting-edge flash mobs, called “The Mob”. When a wealthy businessman threatens to develop The Mob's historic neighborhood and displace thousands of people, Emily must band together with Sean and The Mob to turn their performance art into protest art, and risk losing their dreams to fight for a greater cause.




    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2 14 (2020)
  • loveeeeee

    By elizabetmm
  • Second best Step Up movie

    By Raven's Gate
    Love it!! Sequels usually get worse as more are made, but this is the fourth Step Up movie in the franchise and I think it's the second best, after the first film. In case you're wondering about the whole order, the Step Up movies from best to worst are 1, 4, 3, 2, 5, but there's a big gap between 4 and 3.
  • This movie is great

    By KbCheetah
    This movie is great, fun, and awesome. I love this movie a lot. I love all of the music, and dance moves in this movie. Sean is really cute in this movie and Seans friend is cute in this movie to. Emily is pretty in this movie to. It is one of my all time favorite movies.

    By kaiserhouse5
    It's the bestower I have ever seen and you'll get hooked and keep watching over and over again!!!!😱😱😱
  • Let it go...

    By naterfour
    And enjoy the ride. Yes it's been done before, yes it's cliche BUT it's still an amazing movie that's choreographed flawlessly
  • Step up 5

    By sana_izadi
    So step up 5 all in is gonna come out in august 8th, and I was wondering when iTunes was gonna bring it. I really want to know because I love all the step up movies!
  • I’m prob too old to be watching movies such as this.....

    By BCSurvivor_Mel
    But let me tell ya…this is def 1 of my all time fav’s ![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]![!]! OMG~I can't believe I'm admitting this & hoping I don't sound like a total crazy person! I’ve actually watched this movie lots of times—it’s kinda ridic~ 💟💟💟but I still love it💟💟💟
  • Truth is

    By hannahmathews17
    Truth is I haven't got to see the movie but I really want to see it it's just I don't have the money to buy it so why not have it on rent too for like under $5.. so If you really want money I suggest you rent out the very popular movies in this year range!!!!! Just sayin
  • Best movie ever!

    By Shgjfmgt
    I love it so much!
