Beyond the Black Rainbow

Beyond the Black Rainbow

By Panos Cosmatos

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2012-05-18
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 49min
  • Director: Panos Cosmatos
  • Production Company: Chromewood Productions
  • Production Country: Canada
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 357 Ratings


Held captive in a specialized medical facility, a young woman with unique abilities seeks a chance to escape her obsessed captor. Set in the strange and oppressive emotional landscape of the year 1983, Beyond the Black Rainbow is a Reagan-era fever dream inspired by hazy childhood memories of midnight movies and Saturday morning cartoons. From the producer of Machotaildrop, Rainbow is the outlandish feature film debut of writer and director Panos Cosmatos. Featuring a hypnotic analog synthesizer score by Jeremy Schmidt of “Sinoia Caves” and “Black Mountain,” Rainbow is a film experience for the senses.



  • The Best Director hands down

    By Cashy Killer
    I have seen a lot of movies but none have ever captured a beautiful idea of a world so completely perfect as this one. It doesn't force a story on you, it hints at you a plot and leaves traces of story elements with beautiful surreal imagery. It is very dreamlike and strangely zen to watch this horror genre type film. I loved every second of it!
  • A Visual Moog Montage !

    By Dv(L@s
    What a spectacular film front to back. Music, lighting and cinematography on point with a remastered feeling throughout. Better to buy this one than rent, if you are in love with re-up 80's era styles with 21st century attitudes. Watch loud and in the dark.
  • Absolutely STINKS

    By Do not update or buy
    Watched the first 30 minutes and it still went NOWHERE !!!!! Use your money for something else to rent...better movies out there....
  • Atmosphere and dream logic

    By Bel Nergal
    It has an atmosphere halfway between 2001:A space Odessey and Susperia. What I fidn if fresh about this film is it's subtety, atmosphere takes precedent over plot details. The polt seems discoverable, there appears to be deeper bacl stories behind all the chracters and their relations, but it give sparse details that are often not disclosed in a way that directs the audience away from it's deep atmospheric moods. You may decide to watch it a few times, just to see details you may have missed in previous viewings.
  • Art and weirdness

    By Axibae
    Pace is slow, but that's one of the things that makes this film even better, imo. Film making / editing etc itself is impressive. As I see it, much better than many/most mainstream movies. Story itself is pretty uncomfortable but that is what makes it a good match to slow pace and impressive skills in same time. Got to add that people who trash this movie… well, I just feel sorry for them not being able to appreciate cool stuff besides what their little square world contains (sorry.) To watch this movie, I consider it to be an experience. It creates interesting ideas, thoughts, and questions.
  • A masterpiece

    By Erikp57
    An incredible experience unlike anything you've ever seen. It's like "2001" meets I don't know what.

    By thenextamericainidol#1
    I watched it and I loved it! And not just because the creepy dudes dating my aunt. NO JOKE!!! But anyway, first I wasn't into scary movies but this was one amazing! i totally recamenned this science fiction/ horror movie!
  • What did I just watch?

    By sc1996
    When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I knew instantly that I HAD to see this. But sadly, there are no words to describe it. I wish I could explain to you what I liked and disliked, but the movie made absolutely no sense whatsoever that it's pretty much impossible to describe it. Acting was good, music was amazing, and the cinematography was perfect. But it's ALL about execution, which this movie utterly failed at. I understood what was going on for part of it, but the biggest question running through my mind throughout was "why?" There is no backstory, no evidence of anything that can lead you to a conclusion, and nothing was ever explained. I love movies that make you think, but this movie just left me thinking "ugh..." But, if you want to give your eyes and ears a treat, go ahead and rent this because the only good things about this movie are the visuals and the sounds.
  • Haunting!

    By oakleighwood
    The cinematography, synth music, and acting are superb! As a lover of the 80s, the feel of that time was captured completely. Michael Rogers' performance is a haunting one, and unforgettable. Panos Cosmatos' vision is a masterpiece that I will enjoy to watch over and over again.
  • The love child of Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch

    By a.k.a. MAELSTROM
    If you are interested in something different, you have found it...Creepy, Eerie, and mysteriously haunting...this movie is not so much about a story content as it is about strikingly mood-setting filmography. Watching this movie, you get the feeling that it was actually made in 1983 with all sets, props, and overall style. The pacing might be a bit slow for some people, however to me it helps build the suspense and tension. I predict this film is destined to become a cult classic. Michael Rogers carries the workload in this movie and deftly delivers a truly disturbing performance in his role as "Barry".
