The Dictator

The Dictator

By Larry Charles

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2012-05-16
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 23min
  • Director: Larry Charles
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 5,946 Ratings


The creators and star of Borat bring you the hilarious comedy about what happens when the worldʼs worst dictator comes to America. Stuck in New York and stripped of his power, Aladeen (Sacha Baron Cohen) is finally forced to live his ultimate nightmare…the American dream.



  • Terrible

    By Facts Please!
    Terrible, not funny at all.
  • Decent movie

    By Djrt11
    It has some good laughable moments but overall it’s a ok movie I did buy it but I wouldn’t pay 20$ for it
  • I feel Dumber watching this!

    By Stars&Stripes71
    I cannot belive I paid $4 to watch this crap! WTH!!!
  • Hilarious!

    By pugmeistertexas
    It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it’s hilarious to me!
  • Very Funny (for about five minutes)

    By Highway_61
    Film runs out of ideas very quickly.
  • Hilarious!

    By NicknameTaken2011
    One of the best comedies I've seen in a long while! Very clever!
  • unoriginal tripe

    By Denaldi371
    What happens when you take about 15 hackneyed cliche films from the 80s and throw them in a blender? You get the Dictator. To keep people from being confused with Charlie Chaplin's the Great Dictator, this film should be called "The Cliche, Unoriginal, Boring, Uninspired, Incredibly Predictable Dictator."
  • Love this

    By BradDLi21
    Aladeen news? Or Aladeen news? I give this movie a ALADEEN/ALADEEN. Very funny and just a great movie.
  • Where is the unrated version?

    By Madlax72
    really like the movie, but I wish we could buy the unrated version on iTunes
  • Not for everyone

    By Vinnyloves69
    Obviously you're always going to have people that like or dislike a movie but this was pretty funny and had a few hysterical moments...maybe don't buy it but rent it when you can...
