Winx Club: The Secret of The Lost Kingdom

Winx Club: The Secret of The Lost Kingdom

By Iginio Straffi

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2012-03-10
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 1h 23min
  • Director: Iginio Straffi
  • Production Company: EuroVideo Medien GmbH
  • Production Country: Italy
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 228 Ratings


At Alfea College, Stella, Aisha, Flora, Musa, and Tecna all graduate and become fairy guardians of their home planets. Since the witches destroyed Bloom’s home planet, she must watch graduation from the sidelines. Daphne, Bloom’s sister, tells Bloom that there is still hope of saving their parents.Together the Winx travel to Domino to find King Oritel’s sword and revive Bloom’s birth parents and the entire planet.This is no small feat, especially with evil sorceress on their glittery heels.




    By Mr. Magix
    The first time I watched this movie was back in 2007 online, and years later I still can't get enough of it. I'm glad that the Nick cast was able to dubbed it, because the previous voices (Rai Movie English voice actors) weren't all that too be honest.
  • I'm an adult and i love Winx club.

    By SerenityTaisho
    Ok all you haters need to grow up. A true Winx fan knows everything about the show and storyline and characters. Winx club was inspired by Sailor Moon one of the creators even admired it in an interview.. I think nick has done a great job on the movies and the whole series. Season 6 just started and it's great so far. To the jerk that said about spending money on Miley, that is a big no.. Now Miley isn't a good role model for young girls. Have you seen her downward spiral lately? Winx club is a better show for young girls then watching Miley do the embarrassing crap that she had done and even the stunt she pulled on the music awards. I used to like her but now she makes Me sick and appalled at her behavior.
  • Hey Ichigocatnya.

    By YepChocolateHungerGmes
    If you don't like it, then why are you here? Obviously you can't keep your opinion to yourself, hm? I bet you haven't even watched the show before. How would you feel if I made fun of your Total Drama? Probably offended, right? Just keep your opinion to yourself. And there's no need to cuss, either. Little girls go on here and buy this and they could see your comment. If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all.
  • More $&@%# winx poop?!

    By ichigocatnya~
    Ugh! This is utter crud! Is Techna wearing trash on her head during her transformation?! I hate winx poo, and all of them are skinny, prissy belly button fatsies ! Don't waste your money, and use it to buy Total Drama Island and Miley Cyrus's Wrecking Ball!
  • Where's the soundtrack

    By MamaDaBoss7
    I love the movie but can't find it's music soundtrack on iTunes. What gives??!!!
  • Jr

    By Joanna Mackey
    I love it
  • Awful

    I regret renting this movie for my six year old daughter, who came away with persistent questions about why the characters were 'so skinny', and could she also be so thin. (LITERALLY!) The female charters here are shallow and dependent upon male counterparts (boyfriends). How miserable -- to present this to our young girls -- I'm embarrassed for everyone involved in this project.
  • winx club

    By MOMO014
    Im so exited is there going to be a next movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Winx club is awesome

    By Lola101mo
    I am so glad they put it on nick!!!
  • Um...

    By imjayhime
    I like the plot of this movie, but I hate the 3D and the actors/actresses. And I hate that Nick is doing the show now. I prefer the 2D version from 4Kids. That one is SOOOO much better. If this movie was in 2D with the 4Kids actors/actresses, I would love it a lot more and I would probably buy it. BRING 4KIDS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
