A Dangerous Method

A Dangerous Method

By David Cronenberg

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2011-11-23
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 39min
  • Director: David Cronenberg
  • Production Company: Dangerous Method Film AG
  • Production Country: Switzerland, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,084 Ratings


On the eve of World War I, Zurich and Vienna are the setting for a dark tale of sexual and intellectual discovery. Drawn from true-life events, A Dangerous Method takes a glimpse into the turbulent relationships between fledgling psychiatrist Carl Jung, his mentor Sigmund Freud and Sabina Spielrein, the troubled but beautiful young woman who comes between them. Into the mix comes Otto Gross, a debauched patient who is determined to push the boundaries. In this exploration of sensuality, ambition and deceit set the scene for the pivotal moment when Jung, Freud and Sabina come together and split apart, forever changing the face of modern thought.



  • The cigar is a penis

    By Len Plimpth Garnel
    Had to take 3 adderall to stay up for this sleeper. Kiera must be crazy cause she didn’t want to act it. Countertransference with herself? Hum. Should be remade by Kevin Smith. Come to think of it I think he already made it.
  • Intriguing

    By 1bearmike
    Drink coffee as its a bit slow. If you like Keira Knightly, rent it. Interesting history, but read up on the story.
  • Interesting

    By MakesmewanttoScream
  • performers had fun

    By flash7gordon
    This was a great movie and you couid tell the actors/actresses had fun doing it. Kiera did things with her face playing a person who is out of it I didn't even think were possible. That newcomer playing Jung was fantastic. He came off really well as an intellectual who was oddly comfortable with the dark side of human nature. The woman playing Jung's wife played the role to a tee. My wife and I love Viggo and he didn't have much of a role here but he did what he could with it. But the guy who stole the show was the guy playing Otto Gross. You listen to him doing his subtle persuasion of the already motivated Jung and you think "why not?". I think Otto Gross was the first true bohemian.
  • An Emotionally Charged and Thought-Provoking Drama

    By Moviefanatic1001
    I'm usually a bit wary about what the critics say about a particular film on rotten tomatoes because usually I end up hating the films with the "fresh" ratings and enjoying the films with the "rotten" ratings. However, A Dangerous Method is certainly the exception. I really enjoyed the film and the performances by the entire cast were brilliant to say the least. I've read a lot about Freud and Jung so I was familiar with some of the concepts that were confronted in the film, which helped me enjoy it a bit more. While watching the film, I feel as though I actually learned much more about history, science, and mental health during the time-frame in which the film is set. Keira Knightly is mesmerizing as Sabina, Viggo Mortensen and Carl Jung are very intriguing as Freud and Jung, respectively. If you don't usually enjoy dramas or films that require you to think beyond the scope of the plot, then I don't imagine you would like this film. My girlfriend and I watched it and she fell asleep halfway through the movie. Other friends and family members who have watched the film have either loved it or hated it. Many people might find the movie mundane and dry but you have to have a taste for such films. If you have studied Psychology and/or work in the field of Mental Health/Medicine/Academia, you will certainly enjoy the film.
  • such miserable bunch

    By Lovegreatmovies
    they were miserable people. there is no joy in leading such lives.
  • Weak

    By 808makena
    There are some awesome movies out there right now and this is NOT one of them. Very weak.
  • Boring

    By Gustavo&Lupe
    Don't watch it
  • Pure historical and educational! Love it!

    By Taghreedx
    A really excellent movie! I've watched it and I've learned a lot about how these figures think and act! It's educational and I recommend it for everyone. I also got to know a lot more about the woman who linked Freud and Jung. Artistically beautiful. The actors are really talented and gave their best! As what I've read Viggo Mortensen visited Freud's house which is now a museum to learn how he act and think! and learned how a Jewish would walk! Loved his performance!
  • Flawed but very good anyway

    By nocrickets
    This is very good, solid, mature Cronenberg, with a bit of a sketchy screenplay (based on a stage play) carried along by the strong performances of the principles. The much-maligned Knightley is very good and brave in a very demanding role. It's really her character's movie, not Freud's and Jung's, which may be why so many people hated on it. I liked the early Cronenberg of cult classics like Scanners and Videodrome. I kinda hated the pompous, showboat mid-career auteur of preening-hipster trash like Naked Lunch and Crash. But I'm liking the grownup Cronenberg of Eastern Promises, History of Violence and this film (haven't seen Cosmopolis yet), who's learned how to tell a relatively straightforward story without showing off. He can still make deadly dull crap like Spider, but still.
