D2: The Mighty Ducks

D2: The Mighty Ducks

By Sam Weisman

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 1994-03-25
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 46min
  • Director: Sam Weisman
  • Production Company: Avnet/Kerner Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 607 Ratings


The Mighty Ducks are thrilled to be chosen to compete in the Junior Goodwill Games as Team USA. They'll be facing off against the best teams from all over the world -- including the meanest team that ever sliced up the ice! Are they out of their league? Has Coach Bombay (Emilio Estevez) let the big time go to his head, forgetting that it's just a game? But when a street hockey gang teaches the Ducks to get tough, the Coach remembers how to have fun ... and the Ducks show the world the true meaning of Duck Power!



  • Please

    By NHL NBA
    Please release the soundtrack to this movie on iTunes.
  • Quack attack is back jack...

    By simonc0616123
    I'm obsessed with this movie! I watched it six times in the past two days. Soundtrack is good, and original score is phenomenal! Great family movie that never gets old no matter how many times you watch it! Overall, the movie isn't super great, but to me it's a cult classic whose cheesiness makes it a true original.
  • Amazing

    By Runnier
    This is the best mighty ducks movie ever.
  • Quack 😎

    By Reginald45
    The entire series of The Mighty Ducks is one of the best! iTunes needs to make it part of a bundle set for under $20
  • Cheap

    By Steelers 434343434343
    Needs to be cheaper then $4.00
  • !!

    By DaXxIuS
    One Word... FINALLY!
  • Great trilogy

    By CVgsmackfan
    I love all three of these films and it was and still is one of my favorite movie trilogies to this day. I would recommend it to any person who loves the game as much as I do or grew up with this series.
  • Awesome Trilogy

    By Redneck 322
    I grew up watching the Mighty Ducks trilogy, I hope this movie trilogy comes out soon to purchase on iTunes. Quack on Everybody.
  • Hockey monkey

    By Hockey monkey 26
    Let us buy it a great and inspiring movie to hockey player.
  • Extra!

    By TylorPanda
    I was an extra in this movie! Make it available for purchase.
