Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

By Troy Nixey

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2011-08-26
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 39min
  • Director: Troy Nixey
  • Production Company: Miramax
  • Production Country: Australia, Mexico, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,048 Ratings


Blackwood Manor has new tenants. While architect Alex Hurst and his new girlfriend Kim restore their Gothic mansion's period interiors, Alex’s young daughter Sally—neglected by her real mother and brushed aside by the careerist father—can investigate the macabre history and dark corners of the estate. Spurring Sally's investigation are the voices—rasping whispers who call out to her from the basement, who promise her understanding and friendship, who are so very hungry and would like to be set free. When Sally gives in to her curiosity, she opens a gateway into a hellish underworld from which an army of beady-eyed, sharp-clawed monsters emerge, small in size but endless in number: the homunculi. Confronted with the horror that now threatens to taker her life and destroy her family, Sally desperately tries to warn the whole house, but there's just one problem: no one believes her. Will she make them understand in time, or will they become another chapter in the centuries-long horror story of Blackwood Manor?



  • not and R-rated movie

    By Geo123!
    This isn't that scary and is a childrens "scary" movie. not great but good acting
  • omgg

    By 666699yy
    so creepy!
  • The TV movie was way better....

    By woolyfork
  • AWFUL!

    By worldcontroller
    This movie was so bad it made me angry. The logic of the plot was so absurd. Let's keep putting the child alone in a dark room even when I've already begun packing to remove her from the house. Let's sit and play dress up after the child was attacked and nearly sliced up. What kind of writting is this?? Awful!
  • Wonderful Family Movie

    By Octavian14
    Great for the kids. Just one of those snuggle up and enjoy it as a family movie. I am surprised they have not tried merchandising the story more. Little Fairy/ Gnomes stuffed animals that have glow in the dark eyes, and that can be programmed to say your childs' first names in that wonderfully hideous voice. “Sallyyyy" Or possibly a line of cutlery, with extremely deep serration’s at odd angles. And if that seems way to much for folks, and I guess I can see their point, maybe just an illustrated bedtime story to read to all your children before you turn off the lights at night. Honestly, it was so good, I cannot believe that more people haven’t thought of these things. At least market the trip wire! :)
  • Love the Movie (Spoiler Alert)

    By j.l.allen
    Although I really like this movie, each time I watch it, I am overwhelmed with anger concerning how terribly neglectful and quick to label Sally as "problematic" and "delusional" Sally's biological parents are when it comes to raising her. Sally's mother fails to listen to any of the words that come out of Sally's mouth and just ships her to her father who also makes it clear that he is "stuck" with her. I have 3 young children and I still find the time to listen to them. If they were to ever tell me something that sounds a bit "off the wall" I would never be so quick to medicate them just so I can substitute my personal time and attention with medication and silence their fears and voices by turning a blind eye to it all. I am very upset that the one person who was actually in Sally's corner (Kim) was the one who suffered. Overall, however, this is a great movie and I really appreciate how different it is from alot of other 'horror' movies. I just wish the dad had been taken...Sally would've been better served with Kim raising her instead of a father who is so quick to "accept his daughter has problems".
  • A very dark Faery Tale

    By AMJ33
    Guillermo del Torro (Hellboy 2 and Pans Labyrinth) has a thing for the dark Fae. Disney as well as other companies have turned the faerie realm into the sugar land of sweetness when the mythology behind the Fae was also very dark and horrible. The creatures are not westernized “demons" or yet another retelling of the tired horror villain (even though this is a remake). Anything that begs to feed on children is horror in my opinion. One little monster (although small) is not so much the problem as there are thousands of them. Yes it is cliche or frustrating when the typical story line is “ignoring” the child even though terrible things are happening. I still think this is a scary film and the ending was wicked and disturbing. If you are tired of the typical American serial killer/slasher, witch in the woods, ghost in the closet movie then this might be for you. Its different and thats refreshing.
  • Not very scary

    By BrittanyD1220
    I did like the movie, however it was not scary. Like all horror movies it is scarier the first time around but even then I wasn't scared. I watched it on my tv on the channel FearNet but it's too bad that you can't rent it on iTunes. I thought 3 stars was an appropriate rating for this movie.
  • Waste of money!

    By AbigailMikayla
    This move has terrible animations. And seriously, it didn't scare me at all.
  • Don't be afraid of the dark

    By nickeisel69
    This movie is very good with an amazing plot and good acting so watch and enjoy.
