One Day

One Day

By Lone Scherfig

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 2011-08-09
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 47min
  • Director: Lone Scherfig
  • Production Company: Focus Features
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 4,293 Ratings


After one day together – July 15th, 1988, their college graduation – Emma Morley (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess) begin a friendship that lasts a lifetime. She’s a working-class girl who dreams of making the world a better place. He’s a wealthy charmer who thinks the world is his playground. Somewhere over the next two decades, these two very different people realize that the love they’ve been hoping for has been there for them all along. Directed by Lone Scherfig (An Education) and based on the bestselling novel by David Nicholls, it’s a touching story critics call “a smart and endearing romantic comedy.” (US Weekly)



  • SoGood

    By Hannah :)(
    Literally excellent
  • does not compare to the brilliant book

    By mm197000000
    If you liked this movie buy the book "One Day" a novel by David Nicholls it is a million times better than this film. Knowing the book, I saw this film in the theatre and was very dissapointed.
  • 1 D@y wuz $uch @ gr8 m0v!e

    By Jolovesgum
    Eye $@w 1 D@y 2d@y 0n Ne+fl!x 0n $ep+ember 18, 2019. Eye l0ved !+ $0 much l!ke !+ d0e$. Eye w!ll C +h!$ m0v!e 'g@!n !f Eye w00d l!ke.
  • 12/10

    By Kellerette
    I don’t know why this movie is getting so many bad reviews. I just watched it on Netflix, and I’m still crying. It will make you cry, it is extremely realistic and not overdone. This is one of those movies, however, that you probably won’t enjoy it you focus too much on the tiny things like the British accent. It’s a slow paced movie, but it’s really good if you take it for the storyline rather than the motions. Personally, being an Anne Hathaway fan I loved this movie. Beautifully directed. *Spoiler Alert Below* Tbh, the ending was really predictable but I like how it was done. Some people may disagree with me on this one, but I really love how they brought back flashbacks you hadn’t seen throughout the movie to tie back some of the “goodbyes”. When Dexter said “I screwed up” to Sylvia, that just killed me. 😭
  • A Wonderfully Horrible Movie!!!!

    By Abbie Mughal
    This is a sad movie but it's not your average, make you tear up a little kind of sad movie either. No, this movie will break your heart, repair it with what seems to be a happy ending and then BAM! it brings the biggest mallet it can find and crush your heart into tiny little pieces and all you're left with is an extremely tear soaked face that looks like it got punched a bunch of times. 5/5 would recommend to everyone I hate.

    By AndreaEmma1
    honestly it wouldve been better if there was better lighting. i almost didnt watch the movie because of the lighting.
  • 💙

    By Nathalia19
    Beyond in love with this movie 😭💙
  • Worst movie of my life

    By wortman88
    Geez made me cry like a baby but I feel only the really good movies make you cry and here I sit crying and crying and crying
  • July 15 ... Seriously?

    By lawme
    I liked this movie for perhaps a biased reason ... July 15, 1988 was my first date with my wife.
  • worst. movie. ever.

    By Raven's Gate
    I usually really like Anne Hathaway, but if you were to ask me what my least favorite movie of all time is, I would say One Day. It sounds like a good/cool idea...showing where two people are on the same day of different years...sometimes they're together, sometimes they're not. but the female character in this story is a pathetic girl with low self esteem who goes from being depressed about one thing to being depressed about another. and then when she finally gets the guy and things start looking up (although she's still depressed because she can't get pregnant)...she dies! yep, a depressing ending is just the cherry on top of what was already a slow story about a pathetic character. and it's not even a surprise ending, which might have spiced things up a bit. Nope, I saw it coming a minute before it actually happened. I even paused the movie to look up a plot summary and see if I was right. I was. this movie just sucked. forget a waste of money, talk about a waste of time. at least it wasted less than one day
