Jackie Brown

Jackie Brown

By Quentin Tarantino

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1997-12-25
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 34min
  • Director: Quentin Tarantino
  • Production Company: Miramax
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 6,444 Ratings


What do a sexy stewardess (Pam Grier), a street-tough gun runner (Samuel L. Jackson), a lonely bail bondsman (Robert Forster), a shifty ex-con (Robert De Niro), an earnest federal agent (Michael Keaton), and a stoned-out beach bunny (Bridget Fonda) have in common? They're six players on the trail of a half million dollars in cash! The only questions are...who's getting played...and who's gonna make the big score? Combining an explosive mix of intense action and edgy humor, Quentin Tarantino’s crime thriller introduced Pam Grier and Robert Forster to a new generation of filmgoers and earned Forster an Oscar® nomination.



  • A classic still to this day

    By macforever2012
    After you’ve watched this movie and hear the song “across 110th street I promise you vision Jackie brown leaving max cherrys bonds singing.a classic still today with remarkable performances all around.
  • From Foxy to Jackie in two decades

    By 16 HORSES
    Jackie Brown was like Foxy Brown on Steroids with Pam Grier to boot! This is just one of the many Tarantino Classics Sandwiched in between Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction The Kill Bill Trilogy, Inglorious Basterds, Django Unchained, and Hateful Eight!
  • You wanna talk about underrated films

    By B.D.M.
    I could make a list of the most underrated films of all time and I know that Jackie Brown would be on that list somewhere, or maybe near the top. It's a shame that barely anyone mentions this film especially when it's a Tarantino film. The performances are spectacular from Samuel L. Jackson, Robert De Niro, Robert Forster and one Ms. Pam Grier. It's hard to say who steals the show because they're all scene stealers. The music is of course what ties the story together, as of course in all of Tarantino's films. Look no fourther than the scene when Jackie is emerging from the jail and Bloodstone's Natural High plays. Such a great scene and a great song to go with it. Very,Very,Very,Very,Very underrated, I highly advise any Tarantino fan to see this film if they haven't already

    By i'Chris
    It amazes me how no one ever talks about Jackie Brown especially when it comes to Quentin Tarantino. Sure its his least violent film, but it's definitely one of his most entertaining. Jackie Brown is hilarious, intense and very entertaining. Not to mention this film has some great storytelling, dialogue, character development, music and acting especially Sam Jackson's performance. It's all around a great film especially if you a Tarantino fan it's a must see!!!
  • So good all the time

    By SilverBullet3G
    This is by far my #1 all time favorite movies. I've literally seen it 25+ times. It never gets old. I enjoy the different scenes and background stuff going on as well. Pam Grier is incredible as Jackie Brown and Robert Deniro, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Forster and others are great too! The soundtrack is incredible and I don't think I'll ever see a movie better than this !!!
  • Greatest movie ever made

    By luc de la porte
    This is the best cult classic ive ever seen in my life.
  • Foxy

    By nocrickets
    God I love this movie. I've been a QT fan from the start, and I have loved this one from the first of several times I've seen it. Like all his movies it's a renovation of/homage to a 70s genre -- blaxploitation this time -- but it's surprisingly deep and warm and humane for QT, who I admit can sometimes be pretty glib and shallow (though almost always, to me, enterftaining). It's even got a wonderfully adult love story, something we haven't seen him even try in any other film. Once again, he gets amazing performances out of largely overlooked actors (Pam Grier, Robert Forster and, maybe most amazing of all, Bridget Fonda), a hilarious performance from Jackson (right up there with his brilliant turn in Pulp Fiction, his two best acting jobs ever, and proof that when QT doesn't need him he shouldn't make movies at all), and beautifully quirky work from nominal stars DeNiro and Keaton, here relegated to bit players and apparently loving it. The dialogue is brilliant, as usual. Yes, it's long and sometimes slow, as most QT films can get, but personally I don't mind at all, because I like lounging around with these characters so much. Oh, and as usual he picked great music for it -- the title sequence, with Grier gliding through LAX to the tune of the mighty "Across 110th Street," is one of his most accomplished and majestic set-pieces ever. Even more than most QT films, this one gets love/hate responses, and it's weirdly unappreciated even by some of his big fans, I guess because it feels so different from his usual. But to me that makes it in some ways maybe his best film yet.
  • JAckie Brown

    By Taratino Quentin
    It is once again another great quentin tarantion with a great cast
  • Great movie, period.

    By jcj1276
    I must admit I'm a huge Tarantino fan, but what I love about this movie is Samuel L. Jackson's performance. He nails the dialog, the character, the attitude and carries the movie from start to finish. As is true with all of Tarantinos flicks it's perfectly cast and perfectly written, a must watch over and over, never gets old.
