The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

By Terrence Malick

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2011-05-27
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 19min
  • Director: Terrence Malick
  • Production Company: River Road Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,108 Ratings


The Tree of Life is the impressionistic story of a Midwestern family in the 1950's. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of childhood to his disillusioned adult years as he tries to reconcile a complicated relationship with his father (Brad Pitt). Jack (played as an adult by Sean Penn) finds himself a lost soul in the modern world, seeking answers to the origins and meaning of life while questioning the existence of faith. Through Malick's signature imagery, we see how both brute nature and spiritual grace shape not only our lives as individuals and families, but all life.



  • Wish I Could Give it Zero Stars

    By jdana24
    If I went to a theater to see this movie I would have walked out after 10 minutes. Since I streamed it, I stopped watching the movie after 10 minutes, and rented another one. This was a complete waste of money.
  • One of the greatest of all time

    By DrScreenplay
    Really amazing film.
  • Psilicybin on Screen

    By MosesOTM
    Watching this movie is like having taken a bag of magic mushrooms. It is full of visual effects that hint at profund meaning but basically leave you where you started but with a headache, Fake cinematic mystical experience that the shallow and lost might misake for something real.
  • Brad Pitt is Fantastic in this emotional thoughtful film

    By Nicholas becerra
    To be honest The Tree of Life is amazing with beautiful acting and set design were stunning and nice. Brad Pitt really put to a role of real life depences and put on a astoshing performance as a father whenever this movie is trying to be a oscar worthy film well it manages to be that kind of source material. What I got from watching the Tree of Life is the great performences by all of the actors including Jessica Chastain and Sean Penn. Some scenes took me off guard and was a little boring and long but The Tree of Life is no joke to our everyday lives but instead is a valubale lesson of what Life is about making friends and enjoying the possiblites that can occur only when great success comes around. Either way this movie is thoughtful and emotional and sometimes hard to watch and Sad even i enjoyed it go see it now!
  • A masterpiece

    By jamalandfriends
    Most reviews on this movie from iTunes are very low or very high, but mostly very low. The reason is because it takes deep understanding of malick to enjoy the film. Before I watching this movie I mocked it as being ‘high brow’(it kind of is). But this film through me off guard with its deep philosophical and theological moments. If wanting a film for fun, than this isn’t for you, but it truly is a great movie. I found it enjoyable, but it probably wouldn’t be for someone who likes blockbusters. If interested in what the first 20 minutes mean, I recommend reading the book of job from the Bible.
  • Boring!!!

    By ostmusiclover
    This movie was horrible. I made it 45 minutes into it and could not take it anymore. No virtual plot that you can see develop. The only reason I’m giving it one star is that you cannot give it any lower. Was a complete waste of money and wish I could get mine back.
  • Huh?

    By chuckles3302
    Big waste of time. The cinematic equivalent of Joyce’s Ulysses.
  • A meditative fever dream

    By Boomboomsmile
    I always thought it was pretentious when people claimed a film ‘is a must see.’ But this one really is. Don’t go in expecting to be entertained. Expect to reflect.
  • Awful

    By PhysicsBill
    I went to the theater and saw this with three other people. At the end, we were scolding each for not communicating how much we all wanted to leave halfway through the film. It tries to be intellectual and ends up a disjointed, boring mess.
  • The Tree Of Life

    By brslc
    I liked Badlands and The Thin Red Line but Malick lost me on this one. It's a tedious watch but I gutted it out. Didn't see the wonderfulness of any of it. Hated Pitt and his oldest son. Guess I'm too stupid to understand. I tried. Even read the plot summary in Wikipedia. Nada.
