

By Shane Dax Taylor

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2011-05-20
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 35min
  • Director: Shane Dax Taylor
  • Production Company: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 32 Ratings


After 20 years of roaming, E.F. Bloodworth returns home to his forgotten corner of Tennessee to find the wife he walked out on withered and faded and his three sons grown and angry. Only Fleming, the old man's grandson, treats him with the respect his age commands, and sees past all the hatred to realize the way it can poison a man's soul.



  • * Beautiful * <3 Surprising

    By exhilaratedking
    Beautiful Performance = Hilary Duff <3 <3 <3 Surprising Performance = Kris Kristofferson
  • SSS

    By Blind side fan
    Kiss ur hand 10 times Say crushes name 15 Post this on 2 othr movies Then look at ur hand
  • Hate It

    By Candykidd
    I Hate This Movie
  • Did You All Miss Something Here?

    By O.D.Cleaver
    As much as I like Kristofferson (and that's quite a bit) I can't help but wonder what the other viewers saw in this movie. The main character walked out on his wife, leaving her to raise three children. That doesn't exactly imbue him with a state of grace as far as I'm concerned. Then along comes this young, naive grandson who "treats him with the respect his age commands"? Sorry folks, I may have bought the ticket but I'm NOT buying the moral of the storyline. For all intents and purposes, this is nothing more than a weak, tweaked and twisted attempt to somewhat copy the success of a Jeff Bridges Academy Award winning performance.
  • I don't know

    By Pen island 4 life
    Not sure if I want the movie after the horrible preview.
  • Liked it!

    By Nana2415
    W.E. Brown did a great job with script,and with the role of Brady. This has not played at theaters in my area,and probably never will.I'm glad I could get it on iTunes. Good movie,with an excellent cast!
  • Hilary Duff

    By kmbrlybrooke89
    Great script, great story, strong performances, amazing music. This film is definitely worth a watch! Hilary Duff is proving herself with each role that she's not Lizzie McGuire anymore. I see good things in her future. Two thumbs up!
  • Gotta Watch

    By tnunez2009
    This was such a good movie!! The actors are so good I did not want this movie to end!!
