

By Randall Wallace

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2010-10-08
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 2h 3min
  • Director: Randall Wallace
  • Production Company: Walt Disney Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 600 Ratings


Disney presents an astonishing true story bursting with hope, heart and courage. Diane Lane and John Malkovich lead a celebrated cast in this inspirational motion picture from the producers of Miracle, Invincible and The Rookie. Behind every legend lies an impossible dream. Witness the spectacular journey of an incredible horse, Secretariat, and the moving story of his unlikely owner, a housewife who risked everything to make him a champion.



  • Believe in yourself

    By Jonphoto89
    The greatest horse movie I ever watch. She really believe in herself and take huge risks. Roll the dice
  • Best Movie Ever Filmed!!!

    By Boardz20
    This is my favorite horse movie of all time. I love how each scene paints a beautiful picture and how excellent a plot it has. I love horses, and if you do too, this is a must see movie. Don’t listen to the people who say this movie is terrible. It is amazing, and they’re super wrong!!!! And hey, Musical85, the horses love to run the reach tracks! That is what the Lord designed them for! And I know he got founders and died, but at least Breyer/Reeves honored him by making a model from him.
  • Well ...

    By Musical85
    I watched the entire movie, but my stomach was in knots. Diane Lane’s character essentially abandoned her family for this horse. I understand her motives ... and being independent ... but, her kids missed her presence in their lives. That was the first point off for me. Diane Lane then looked at the horse and decided he could run, like the horse was talking to her (even after being told she should give him rest). No, the horse was not ready to run! It seemed as though her character wanted to race the horse, with no regard to his wellbeing. Second point off. 😔 Also, Secretariat got Founder’s at 19 and had to be euthanized (which I’m sure was in direct correlation to his racing days). Two points off. This movie just made me want to cry, for the horse! Why couldn’t he run free in a meadow, surrounded by hay? 😢 Yes, I understand he was a thoroughbred, and was meant to run. But, there’s a line between racing and animal cruelty.
  • Horrible

    By isaiahthetrappr
    This is probably the most boring movie I’ve ever watched. I almost fell asleep watching. Don’t waste your money on it
  • Secretariat

    By Jerry Muckelrath
  • Loved!

    By Devin 313
    I have watched this so many time and can’t stop this is a great story of a great horse!
  • Wonderful Movie-Well Acted

    By Sarabi31
    This movie is well done. Well acted. The movie based on the life and legacy of Secretariat, the well known and beloved race horse. A must for fans of Disney Films. Get and watch this movie. A must for everyone
  • History at its Finest

    By renatomadrigal
    This Film takes us back to the actual history of Secretariat, and covers small details that make it seem as if it was filmed at the time. I’m amazed of how this movie portrays this awarding memorable event and keeps the name of Secretariat, in the top hall of fame.
  • They kill the book, the movie it's about a woman not the horse

    By Hispano 73
    They invented characters that were not in the book, and they forgot the horse
  • Awkward movie, miss casting, bad writing and timing...

    By Belindag1023
    So, the movie will be enjoyable just because of the storyline. But, oh my, there is something wrong. The dialog feels phoney and corny, it's predictable and really just sort of awful. If I had to guess I would say the castng of the trainer is the problem. This is not a John Malkovich kind of movie. He is so utterly unbeleivable as a horse trainer....TERRIBLE decision as far as casting. He is way to wacky and quirky. And what is the scene where they break out dancing to "I'll Take You There", just WeIrd! The actors don't have any chemistry. I like the story but the movie is awful. The other odd thing is how the scenes transition way too fast, it makes them unbelievable, feels rushed. The writing, dialog is poor as well.
