Black Death

Black Death

By Christopher Smith

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2011-02-04
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 41min
  • Director: Christopher Smith
  • Production Company: Egoli Tossell Film
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, Germany
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 880 Ratings


The year is 1348. Europe has fallen under the shadow of the Black Death. As the plague decimates all in its path, fear and superstition are rife. There are rumors of a village hidden in marshland that the plague cannot reach. There is talk of a necromancer who leads the village and is able to bring the dead back to life. Ulric (Sean Bean), a fearsome knight, is charged by the church to investigate these rumors. Joined by a young monk and a small cohort of soldiers, the journey ahead will lead them into the heart of darkness where faith is challenged and put to the ultimate test.



  • Powerful!

    By Matty-The Wanderer
    The black Death from what I have read in most history books, was such a devastating disease that killed millions world wide during the Dark ages. If not for the great fire that destroyed most of London did people finally understand that fire had to be used to literally burn out the disease. People argue to this day that the black Plague could have have wiped out most of the human race. This was an excellent film in my opinion. Also a very good example of the Catholic religion that took over around the time of King Arthur and the exodus of the Romans from England. The fading belief at the time were the druids who believed in many gods stemming from nature. Trees and lakes were considered to have spirits. In fact many believe that Merlin was a druid Priest and many Arthurian tales are based upon Druid mythology. Of course this film doesn’t deal with the Arthurian legends, but does show what fear does too people and how religious faith can add to this not only from the Christians but the druids as well. maybe some may think I might term this a little extreme but I would say a form of mass Hysteria. Plus I now these were English Soldiers because they talk about the Long bow which the French never had and many historians claim it was the greatest invention the British ever made. Anyway this is well worth seeing and now that the price to rent it on iTunes is much less I highly recommend this to any one who wants to learn a little history about the Dark Ages, a terrible time filled with wars, disease, pestilence, religious persecution, torture and execution. Funny, things haven’t changed that much...
  • Great Film…sort of….

    By holypoet
    As a movie, it's a great watch.. When you engage your brain, It isn't. It pits flawed stereotyped Christians agains devil worshipping Pagans and tries to get you to figure out which is worse. This in itself is an act of intellectual treason. You can't make a "real" choice based on the movie because it is a straw man…concocted to get you to choose between bad and worse. The way the movie goes, you can't tell which is which. The entire film is a straw man. Great film…bad logic.
  • Gets itself lost

    By Audiophileguy
    Ehhhhhh... the acting, script, action and dark overtones are all in place but the story seems to drift from a historical look at Europe during the time of the Plague to a witchy fantasy. It could have done without the love story as well as it wasn't really integral. But, Sean Bean is awesome and drives the story along.
  • Bad point and movie, not recommended

    By Christopher R.
    This horror movie is nothing like a horror or thriller movie, it's just torture but just much more boring and has and uninteresting plot. This is not a good movie, a good horror film is the thing(1982) or either the amityville horror( 2005)
  • Great Film

    By swissniper
    Interesting story, never seen anything like it.
  • Interesting

    By VisualAspirant
    It starts strong in the 14th Century with wonderful visuals that feel authentic. The lead character looks perfect and Sean Bean is, well, impeccable in any historical production it seems. However, this film has more of a foreign feel and doesn't wrap itself up in a nice tidy "happily ever after" package. For a movie that will take you out of the present day though, it is perfect.
  • A must for any cerebral movie fan.

    By Citizen "L"
    My mom and I rented this movie last night in spite of some of the negative reviews. I have never been one to take others' opinions seriously because when they zig I zag. This movie has loads of atmoshphere which canmake or break a movie for me, and it had just enough gore as one person commented to keep you cringing but wanting more. The movie makes you think hard about Christianity and how in an effort to spread the word of Jesus, they wind up doing more harm than good. If you are one for action and explosion, than this movie is not for you. If you love atmosphere, a good plot, and cerebral fitness, than I would definitely rentthis movie.
  • not good

    By clean_gr33n
    This movie was a very harsh. Me, a 16 year old boy, was looking for a fighting movie you know where they all line up and charge into each other. and what this movie was is nothing but torture. only a few fighting scenes. i guess if your a sick person you will love it..... i was very unhappy with this movie and to anyone that is religious i would not watch this. And im the kind of guy that likes bloody action movies but really toooo much. dont watch it!!!!!!!!!!! btw im not religious. lol sorry for any spelling problems im not the best speller but i know good movies and this was not one of them.
  • A stupendous waste of time

    By buggybooloo
    This is an incredibly slow and pointless movie. For anyone interested in the plague, you will be disappointed. It's pretty much glossed over. Instead we get long boring shots of people's faces closeup, attempting to be dramatic, but failing epically. I struggled to keep my eyes open, it was that dull. The character's are not engaging and I did not find myself rooting for anyone in particular. For those of you interested in gore, you will also be saddened to hear that you will see a lot more mud than blood. A waste of a good cast...
  • Good film

    By grimsonia
    I thought it was going to be bad, but was happily surprised. Excellent storyline with some fun twists. A thousand times better than Season of the Witch!
