The Last Exorcism

The Last Exorcism

By Daniel Stamm

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2010-08-27
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 27min
  • Director: Daniel Stamm
  • Production Company: Strike Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America, France
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,026 Ratings


After a career spent helping the devout through prayer and trickery, Reverend Cotton Marcus (Patrick Fabian) invites a film crew to document his final fraudulent days as an exorcist. Soon his faith is truly tested when a desperate plea from the father of a possessed girl (Ashley Bell) brings him face to face with the devil himself.



  • Exorciiiiise the demons!

    By The Poltergeist King
    The performance by Patrick Fabian alone is worth watching this movie, let alone Ashley Bell's disturbing contortionist moves. Great atmosphere throughout and a go-for-it ending will make you wish you could...exorciiiiise the demons!
  • boring!

    By User mil
    Complete waste of time. No story to be had... Shame!
  • No movie

    By Wilson’sm
    I want my money back
  • Wow

    When I first heard if this movie I thought, this is going to be a rip off of Blair witch or it will just be awful, I was so off. First off for found footage the camera work was great. Second the acting was great, with Ashley bell she did a great job, the main man Rev. Marcus wasn't as good but then again still good. The horror was good but it was slow (like most found footage). But when u got to the last like 15 mins of the film it is non stop horror with a shocking twist ending that nearly scared (hint: pay close attention to those pics that Nell drew)
  • Not as bad as you think.

    By Fahad AlNaimi
    This isn't as bad as most of these people say. Its a 2010 horror movie, what did you expect? Basically, you should watch it when you have literally nothing to watch. I really loved the ending though. Would definitely watch it again. :-)
  • Not Bad.

    By TiredWarVet
    Worth a rent.
  • Absolutely the worst 'demonic possession' movie I have ever seen

    By Datflybody
    I watched this in the theater, and most of the audience boo'ed at the end; it was interesting, ill give it that, and the acting was superb. The actual film, however, just tried to hard to be something it's not. 'Emily Rose' managed to get the whole exorcism thing down right; why couldn't Eli Roth? Horrible, horrible movie that does not deserve anyones time.
  • :)

    By Btvs98
    I thought it was great!
  • movie

    By beijingknight123
    at least it was better than paranormal acitvity
  • great

    By Awsome Andrew the great
    i like all the exorcism movies this one starts out kinda slow and isnt as scary until the last 6 minutes alot of people put the last 6 minutes as a bad thing but if u really wanna b scared its great
