

By Tim Hetherington

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2010-06-27
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: Tim Hetherington
  • Production Company: Outpost Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 326 Ratings


Winner of the 2010 Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize for documentary, RESTREPO chronicles the deployment of a platoon of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley, one of the most dangerous postings in the U.S. military. The movie focuses on 15 soldiers based at "Outpost Restrepo," named after a platoon medic killed early in the deployment. Filmed by author Sebastian Junger ("War") and award-winning photographer Tim Hetherington, RESTREPO takes viewers on their own 90-minute deployment, without comment or agenda. This is war, full stop. A National Geographic Entertainment release.



  • 5 - For the troops

    By Bill1369
    Thanks to politicians & generals, the US has not won a war since WWII. This movie shows why - I am a Marine VN vet (Ret) and tho we lost in that war (again!), there is this: we didn't coddle village elders who knew exactly what was going on with our enemy. Enemy stongholds, i.e., villages were destroyed to give no safe haven to enemy. So, let's comtinue to mount hugely expensive wars & ops, depriving life & limb, only to disbandon the effort a few months later! Yup, tried our damnist to win hearts & minds in VN but when it didn't work, well.... The most significantly idiotic statement in this doc was something to effect of: How can we go fight in an area we are unfamiliar with.........
  • Must Watch for Combat Arms

    By Lowca_613
    I saw a lot of reviews saying that everything done here was pointless but as I’m watching this, I see what they’re trying to achieve. It’s definitely a must watch for anyone who just joined a combat arms job or is thinking about joining. It doesn’t romanticize war, it shows the reality of what war is like. I will recommend this to anyone I meet.
  • It was so good it was depressing

    By Joeyjojoshabadu
    War is such a mess, and this documentary showed that.
  • Great doc

    By CareBearSucks
    Great doc
  • Very depressing

    By Pushba
    This is not a fun movie you want to own or watch again. It shows the plotless wars with no purpose or exit strategy of any kind. I would never watch this movie again.
  • Speechless

    By Yecartekim
    I’m a film fanatic. I’ve seen pretty much every picture at one time or another. There’s never been a documentary or feature that impacted me to this degree. Not even close. It felt like someone physically punched my in the gut. To characterize what Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger accomplished here as simply a movie really doesn’t do it justice. This was an experience. It’s one I will never forget and one that I don’t want to forget. It reinforced my disdain for war while dramatically enhancing the empathy and understanding I have of the soldiers who fight in these horrific conflicts.
  • Restrepo

    By Mikesterama
    Wow, seems like a waste of time, money and human life to be there! I really don’t think these people are a threat as long we’re not occupying their country. Cruising around shoeless on their donkeys doesn’t seem to be a big threat to come across the world to get us!
  • Heartbreakingly Wonderful

    By HeyChipLane
    Restrepo displays the bonds our soldiers develop during training and deployment and the honest, gutwrenching feelings they have as their friends perish in battle. Hats off to the filmmakers for not trying to add or recreate any additional facts.
  • Embarrassing

    By RHC86
    The video portion showed it like it was and still in AFG. However, every key officer and NCO from the BN down should have been relieved for the lack leadership and demonstrating how NOT to lead Soldiers.
  • Truly Great

    By Mister Strick9
    This is hands down the best documentary I've ever seen. It shows you how real it really is.
