

By Gregor Jordan

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2010-06-15
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 35min
  • Director: Gregor Jordan
  • Production Company: Senator Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,228 Ratings


A psychological thriller centered around a black-ops interrogator and an FBI agent who press a suspect terrorist into divulging the location of three nuclear weapons sets to detonate in the U.S.



  • I love this movie

    By Sgtkeebler
    Samuel L. Jackson does such a good job in this movie. If this guy was in my interrogation room I would tell him anything right away. Just the way he played this character really makes you believe he is an insane interrogator.
  • Story about Evil vs Evil

    By Xfinityterd
    If you want an uncomfortable evening, watch this movie. Or, you could look up the Blogde De Narcos site and get a lot of the same thing. Torture isn't pretty and this film is that kind of experience; highlights and evokes ugly real world events and feelings.
  • A great film

    By paulo647
    very good, very graphic, some amazing acting and a great story.
  • Make up your mind…PLEASE!

    By Mr. Mack G.
    This movie was more like flipping a coin. Heads do it, tails don't do it…OK. Ready, wait we could hurt him and it's not legal but he's going to kill hundreds if not thousands of innocent people. OK toss it (the coin moron) how about best two out of three. Wait I'm still having reservations but you seem to know something…best 3 out of 4, and so on, and so on, and so on. How much pain could they threaten a person with before they realize "Hey this guy ain't gonna talk". Absolute waste of time and money and if you were inspired by this film, I'd never want to piss you off or have you think I know something you want to know…you know?
  • Awsome

    By Giovaina and the vaginas
    I love this movie
  • Memorable

    By JAYWD2
    I watched this movie the first time over a year ago and think about it frequently when good movies are mentioned
  • A Prerogative game....

    By Butterfly RN
    Talk about manipulating the system... Or even using reverse psychology... Samuel Jackson shows nothing but ascendancy.
  • How rude...

    By Black FU
    This film is funny to watch because it's so absurd. The dialogue, the acting and the whole situation between Sam Jackson and Carrie-Anne Moss is like a schizophrenic version of good cop - bad cop. Sad… truly sad.
  • Fitter

    By JoshBradley
    I watched this movie and it touched me on a level of what the Government might actually do if there was really a nuclear threat and how far they are willing to go. They really make you think would the Government actually do that?
  • Unrealistic, unplausible, irritating

    I was angry to continue watching. What a bad film. Samuel Jackson's "one liners" keep you interested for about 5 minutes and then my judgement and intuition told me this movie isn't worth my attention as it is unsuspenseful and unrealistic. The most realistic portion of the movie was the torture of a would be terrorist. It was offensive, outrageous and I didn't buy it as real. It was slapstick drama with very real looking torture that just didn't make sense. The movie is about the government trying to motivate a captured terrorist into telling them where a nuclear time bomb is located before the weapon detonates. It was awful to watch, not believable in my opinion, and I finally had to turn it off. I didn't care if the bomb went off. I was unwilling to continue to watch Samuel Jackson mistreat a would be terrorist in a manner than wasn't believable. Just bad actors and a bad plot. You could have told me there were 100 nuclear bombs in major cities and it still has very little suspense built in. My marriage suffered a bit as I tried to blame my wife for listening to a coworkers suggestion that we see this movie. That wasnt her fault She deserves an apology as we made the decision to waste our time together. My amends should include an effort to help others avoid disappointment in watching this film. The fact that flixster critics have no official ranking is a warning sign. There are no real heroes or realistic villains in this movie.
