The Buddha - The Story of Siddhartha

The Buddha - The Story of Siddhartha

By David Grubin

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2010-04-08
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 1h 52min
  • Director: David Grubin
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


Two and a half millennia ago, a new religion was born in India, generated from the ideas of the Buddha, a mysterious Indian sage who gained enlightenment while he sat under a large, shapely fig tree. The Buddha never claimed to be God or his emissary on earth, only that he was a human being who had found a kind of serenity that others could find, too. This documentary tells the story of his life, a journey especially relevant in our own times.


  • Buddha

    By Ghamlin
    One of the best introductions to Buddha I have ever seen... I wished this would become a series of movies exploring the creation and roots of Buddhism.
  • I'd rather...

    By KookieMonsterlvr
    Have teeth pulled, lol. I figured since The Secret was so phenomenal, why shouldn't the Buddah be? It was horrible, poor quality and sound, overall bland is being generous for this film. A huge disappointment and because the entire movie didn't download, itunes has yet to refund me. BUYER BEWARE!
  • Seeking The Buddha Inside of Us

    By Ipoetize
    To say that this is the best documentary I have ever seen would be foolish of me but it is the only documentary I've watch 11 times (so far) sometimes alone and other times to show someone whom had interest but had not seen it yet. There is so much to learn about life and when done through learning about the huge arc of physical, mental, and spiritual conflicts that Siddartha subjected himself to all in the name of "Knowing". And it is by his example of "Seeking to Know" that I think we can learn much about ourselves both inwardly and outwardly.
  • Incredible

    By Navthemav
    The production, direction, music, art, and content about Buddhism contributors all come so beautifully together.
  • The Fastest Summary of Buddhism Out

    By CraigHK
    Over the last week I have been studying the religion of Buddhism in many ways, we have had class lectures, sessions of meditation, and visits to a Buddhist nunnery. When I saw this documentary, it really blew my mind of how precisely detailed they made this story. The film did a very good job describing the actual events that happen, but my only real concern is that it didn't really emphasize the little moments of the story that really shaped up how things turned out the way they did, it only really glided over it with a little brief message. I really liked the animation in combination with real life footage used in some moments, it really sets a lasting image in your head of the story. This documentary covered: -How Siddhartha became the Buddha rather than some great king. -What he encountered along his way to finding enlightenment. -What/Where the religion Buddhism is now days. In perspectives of filmography, I think they did a fantastic job. As I said before, the combination of real life clips of historic sites with artistic pictures is just fantastic and does not bother you while watching. The music used in this film sort of creates that peaceful state of mind that is almost a perfect selection for a documentary of a religion that promotes a peaceful state of mind. All in all, apart from the "gliding over" of some little details, I give this movie a big thumbs up for anyone curious to expand their understanding of this mystical religion. By Steven Smith
  • Buddha - Siddhartha

    By flomagarestan
    My wife and I have become interested in Buddhism during the past several years. This documentary was aired on PBS a year ago, and my wife wanted to see it again. What a luxury to be able to purchase it and download from iTunes. This film is a very clear and concise, albeit rudimentary, history of the Buddha, with interviews of exceptional specialists in the field. It's always especially enjoyable to see an interview with the Dali Lama. We enjoyed the film and will watch it again I'm sure.
  • enjoyed it

    By misty USMC
    good primer about Buddha and his teachings
  • It is ok but not great!

    By Starpro992020
    It has some informative info and some nice facts and narrative story. I thought was going to be more inspiring
  • Starts with wrong information….

    By baidyan
    Buddha was born in Nepal not India. His birthplace is Lumbini, which is in southern Nepal. The film makers should have done some basic research (e.g. wikipedia, etc) before making this movie.
  • Enjoyable!

    By LafcadioinLa
    I really liked this doc. I still watch it again every once in a while! One should consider the motives of those giving extremely poor ratings. PBS is not known for making poor quality productions.
