Did You Hear About the Morgans?

Did You Hear About the Morgans?

By Marc Lawrence

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2009-12-18
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 43min
  • Director: Marc Lawrence
  • Production Company: Banter
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 984 Ratings


The comedy Did You Hear About the Morgans? follows a highly successful Manhattan couple, Meryl and Paul Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant), whose almost-perfect lives have only one notable failure... their dissolving marriage. But the turmoil of their romantic lives is nothing compared to what they are about to experience: they witness a murder and become targets of a contract killer. The Feds, protecting their witnesses, whisk away the Morgans from their beloved New York to a tiny town in Wyoming, and a relationship that was on the rocks threatens to end completely in the Rockies... unless, in their new BlackBerry-free lives, the Morgans can slow down the pace and rekindle the passion.



  • Wasn’t that bad...

    By leesa_77
    because I actually finished watching it to the end. 🙂
  • Disappointing

    By rLooneyTunes
    We generally like light-hearted Hugh Grant RomComs, but this one just doesn't work. It was hard to feel any sympathy for the lead characters, and the acting just didn't work for us. There is some redemption in Sam Elliot and some beautiful settings, but in the end, we wished for the time back.
  • Stupid

    By Bella123456879()
    This movie is stupid! Once a cheater aways is a cheater!
  • Buy buy Buy

    By bj314167
    Pay $9.99 now for this 3 year old, 12%-er before itunes raises the price! (Don't wait for the extended version, which isn't coming out next year.)
  • good movie, funny and entertaining

    By Tetsuo_filmgeek
    hugh grant loyal to his style in this movie, and sarah surprisingly good, forming a good team of new yorkers at their best good cast, good plot, funny movie. i saw it twice and i laughed the same both times quite refreshing as i don't remember a similar plot in the last years not sure it deserves a 12% tomatometer to be frank i would give it 3.5 stars if i could
  • Snoozer

    By ranchgirlca
    I fell asleep watching this movie and had absolutely no interest in finishing it when I woke up. It was returned to the video store and exchanged for something better, which was easy to do. There was nothing in this movie to hold my interest. Don't waste your time on this one.
  • really good

    By Elizabeth Robinson
    i found this funny & enjoyable! yes it had an over used plot but near every movie and show does now. Plus what happenes when they choose a bad ending is you geet bad reviews because a million housewives wanted them together. wen thhey pick an over used plot people dont realize there isn't much (nonsencical) plots that hacvent been used concidering we have bad millions of movies since. DEAL WITH IT!! It was very funny in my opinon and I want 2 buy it.
  • luv it

    By Cstar99
    so cute gr8 movie 2 watch with ur friends
  • Why does Apple call this a blockbuster?

    By transendit
    This movie should be in dollar bin. It seems crass to me that Apple does not differentiate in denoting a film as a blockbuster. Hugh Grant is often charming but not in this film. Sarah Jessica Parker has never been my cup of tea. The story is predictable, tiresome and seems a chore for all involved, especially you, should you rent or purchase it
  • Did you hear about the Morgans

    By Blaze tottal dude
    I finally saw it and I loved it it is intense kinda and wired and a bit freaky and the guy stalks them kinda but it's so funny and romantic and great !!!!!!!
