From director Wolfgang Peterson comes this family fantasy/adventure epic based on the acclaimed best-seller about a boy who is drawn into a timeless and wondrous world of fantastic beings that only he can save from total destruction.
By Thirdeyenine
This is a fantastic classic movie and most certainly deserves the 4K treatment and Atmos as well just for the soundtrack.
By Mavnick
just ew
By Codarama
Humble movie- well done truth myth.
The Never ending story (the WORST movie ever made!)
By Broadwaylover922
It didn’t make sense AT ALL!
I didn’t like it that much
By Apspiderman09
Yeah sure I thought the story isn’t interest at all um Visaul Effects 2/10 well It was Released in 1984 it Doesn’t like Good But Come on!! Gostbusters was Released During that year But it look Pretty Good And the characters 2/10 I Really Hate that girl See Rip-off cate Blanchett in the lord of the rings Trilogy (But I saw lord of the rings first) The Never Ending Story gets a 2/10 of course with the move movie of garbage 🗑💩
The Story continues
NeverEnding Story was too much of a classic! These types of Movies are the Ultimate in World Building! And are as Visually Epic as possible! It’s like getting kicked in the face with a Story Book 📖!
People who hate this movie, read this
By unnessisaryperson1233
People say that this movie is terrible because it doesn’t look realistic, but I wanna say something to them, ITS A OLD MOVIE! Just because it doesn’t look realistic doesn’t mean it’s a bad movie, people also say not to let children watch it, because it has unsettling scenes, and characters, but ITS A OLD MOVIE, of course it has those when this movie was made before we had really cool movie making materials! Stop being stupid, and CHILL.
4 out of 5 stars really?
By justjoshingyouohboy
This goes to show you 1 out of 5 people people doesn’t know what their talking about!!! Yes, this is an old movie. Therefore yes, the graphics are dated, but for its time it was fantastic. And mom, look up the movie and find out about it BEFORE you show your kids the movie. Don’t blame the movie.
By w1zard33
Worst movie of all time.
Classic and Awesome!!
By Kk4720
This Movie is amazing! It’s classic and has never ending awesomeness! Of course it’s very old so it’s not like the movies we see nowadays, but I still love it! I think that the haters should back off! This movie is old so it’s not as clear as movies nowadays and it doesn’t have great special effects but that is not what makes great movies! It’s anything that makes you entertained or puts a smile on your face!