A Serious Man

A Serious Man

By Joel Coen & Ethan Coen

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2009-10-02
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 45min
  • Director: Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
  • Production Company: Focus Features
  • Production Country: United States of America, United Kingdom, France
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,137 Ratings


Academy Award®-winning directors Joel and Ethan Coen return to their comedy roots with this original and darkly humorous story about one ordinary man’s quest to become a serious man. Physics professor Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg) can’t believe his life: His wife is leaving him for his best friend, his unemployed brother won’t move off the couch, someone is threatening his career, his kids are a mystery and his neighbor is tormenting him by sunbathing nude. Struggling to make sense of it all, Larry consults three different rabbis and their answers lead him on a twisted journey of faith, family, delinquent behavior and mortality in the film critics rave is “seriously awesome!” (Michael Hogan, Vanity Fair)



  • Worth watching

    By Rolling20s
    Very interesting movie
  • Self dentistry now looks enjoyable

    By JustWantToBeEntertained
    Laughs were few and far between. I bought this movie because it was cheaper than renting and I doubt I will ever watch it again.
  • A Serious Man never disappoints

    By Nicholas becerra
    The Coen brothers ask what is the meaning of life? question that with A Serious Man which is a really well made and directed dark comedy that shines throughout. The acting is wonderful for what it is the message of this film is excalty what hollywood should take notes.
  • Banging my head

    By 000GLY
    The trailer had a theme of the central character banging his head... and now I know why! After 25 minutes I felt like doing the same thing. I didn't chuckle or laugh or even smile once during this film. I often like the Coen brothers but admittedly don't usually enjoy self deprecating humor unless I identify and I didn't.
  • One redeeming aspect.

    By greymage
    The only redeeming aspect is the attention to detail on what 1960s suburbia looked like.You have to be a Jew to even tolerate this film. This is a Jewish film written by Jews, starring Jews and about jews. It doesn't explain the crazy traditions,or virtually anything in the plot. It's as if the Cohen brothers are trying to convince us how hard it was to grow up being a good Jew in the 60s. I can't believe it was made by the same guys who made No Country for Old Men. I bought this by mistake. I mistook it for the flick Falling Down, with Micheal Douglas. This is a nauseting look at life as a Jew in the late 60s.
  • A serious comedy

    By Shooshie
    In other words, a sort of Shakespearean comedy, only without the one-liners. Let's say you get hit by a bullet, or you're in a car wreck and die, or maybe you get swept away by a tornado. Now you're dead and go to, let us say, heaven. This is just hypothetical, you know? So they first thing they do is let you in the bar, where there's a movie playing of your entire life. Everyone's pointing and laughing, but you remember every one of those moments in pain. Gradually, you start warming up to the idea that life was just a funny proposition, after all. So you chuckle. Then you see the end happen, and you're now in the bar in heaven, the movie is over, and everyone who has lived throughout eternity now turns to you and says, "that was funny, wasn't it?" You say, "Yeah... I guess so." That's what this movie is like. What's not to like about it? It's the story of everyman. Just because it's Jewish doesn't mean it's not universal. It is. And the universe is funny. Like Schroedinger's Cat. You don't know if you're dead or alive most of the time, and that's funny. If you don't think so, don't rent this movie. But if we're connecting, here, then give it a try. Really. What have you got to lose? Just another 90 minutes or so of your life? C'mon. Be a serious person. You've got to chuckle some. At least break out into a grin. Even if just in your mind. The Rabbi got it. "The Airplane." When the truth is lies and you're left without hope... be a good boy.
  • Coen brother's worst movie?

    By ooomar_j
    About 80% into the movie and I couldn't take it anymore. The acting is ok but the storyline and plot is stale and redundant. Heavily influenced by a lot of jewish jargon that I was mostly not interested in. Skip this movie and rewatch one of your favorite movies.
  • What??

    By Rwanderluck
    I think I've loved every Coen Brothers movie. This one? A comedy? I smiled a few times. It was slow and...yeah. Waste of time and money.
  • Acquired Taste

    By m300lg
    When I saw it in theaters I found parts funny but I just didn't get it. After a few other viewings, I now find the movie to be hysterically funny, and the subtexts aren't really all that deep or hard to follow. Another Coen classic!
  • Celebration of grimness

    By KarlinNice
    When I watch Torrentino's films I often wonder what is the purpose of all the violence. Maybe it's just me, but I never thought the movies hip and certainly not entertaining. I had a similar reaction to this movie but in a different way. The Coen Brothers present a grim world that doesn't exist in nature. What purpose the hyperbole? In satire you must have some affection for your subject, or it's just mean. In A Serious Man no limit of suffering can be heaped on the lead character. All religious figures buffoons. Fairness is a product of an overactive imagination. Save the $4 and just watch a Republican 'debate' if you crave a bit of hopelessness.
