Final Destination

Final Destination

By 黃霑

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2000-03-17
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 38min
  • Director: 黃霑
  • Production Company: Hard Eight Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 5,749 Ratings


Horror tale with a twist, Final Destination tells the story of teenager with strange premonitions about death and the mysterious accidental deaths that follow his life. Directed by X-Files veteran James Wong.




    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14 (2020)
  • Cárter

    By nazareth0001
    -This is how old people live there last days
  • iTunes needs to Bundle this set already!!!

    By Ariauna
    Classic movies! Please put this into a bundle set already!!!!!
  • This is why I don't trust rotten tomatoes

    By BrooklynnM
    Great movie and not to much blood witch I like because I don't have to wait until I'm 15 to watch it unlike saw and let face it you be paranoid if death was hunting you and your friends
  • Decent

    By Fishy 87
    This movie started out entertaining but as it went along it descended into a mediocre movie with bad effects
  • Funny!

    By Awesomesauce213
    One of the funniest movies I have ever watched! I know it is supposed to be horror but the way they die is frickin hilarious because its so random and unexpected!
  • Amazing

    By Alex browning
    Very good! Never watch this on a plane though I made that mistake when taking a plane to Paris and it was plane 180(no joke) And it was my first time watching the movie
  • Not that impressive

    By shadowblade110
    This movie has a good concept but its not that great of a movie. 1st one is worth the rent but personally, I will not be watching the sequels.
  • Worst Horror Movie I've Ever Seen.

    By pancho747
    I saw this movie because a friend recommended it to me. I could barely sit though it. The plot was ridiculous and far fetched, it was never really scary, and the acting was the worst I'd seen in any movie, making the movie twice as bad. Don't waste your money.
  • good

    By 7.81
    This movie takes a really refreshing take on horror films, you can only have so many freddys, you can only have so many jasons. And you can deffinantly only have so many zombies. the fact that death itself is the villan in this film is a really cool idea. this is probably the best horror film series since nightmare on elm street movies. it keeps you interested throughout the entire movie, there is a couple of twists you dont see coming and i was a little creeped out to walk through my hous at night. all sre things that make a good horror movie. but it wasnt overdone and it wasnt incredibly scary, it was a great ballance
