The Spy Who Loved Me

The Spy Who Loved Me

By Lewis Gilbert

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1977-07-13
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 2h 5min
  • Director: Lewis Gilbert
  • Production Company: EON Productions
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,017 Ratings


Number 10 in the James Bond adventure series, and nobody does it better than Bond in this explosively entertaining adventure that takes him from the Egyptian pyramids to the ocean floor to a gravity-defying mountaintop ski chase. When British and Russian nuclear subs start to mysteriously vanish, Agent 007 (Roger Moore) is assigned to team up with Russia's beautiful top spy to thwart billionaire shipping magnate and archvillain Karl Stromberg's plans for destroying the world with nuclear bombs pointed at Moscow and New York City...and he must do battle with Stromberg's menacing, steel-toothed, 7'2" henchman...Jaws!



  • Another Porcaro Masterpiece

    By Reed girl 72
    Once again Jeff Porcaro has demonstrated that he can adapt his drumming to fit any genre of music. So that's why he was so highly regarded as the best session drummer of all time. All those different singers needed his own groove. Still deeply grieved to this day by all that knew loved and worked with him.And all over my I-pad screen.I cannot stop looking at videos and hearing those drums through my headphones. No wonder he drives me absolutely crazy. Still number one.I love you my Dreamyeyed Angel and keep playing those drums on my heartstrings forever and ever.β€οΈπŸ―πŸ’ΏπŸ“±πŸŽΉπŸ’œπŸŽ€πŸ“€πŸˆπŸ˜‡πŸŽ§πŸ˜πŸŽΊπŸ±πŸŽ·πŸ’½πŸ’šπŸŽΌπŸŽ»πŸ’›πŸŽΈπŸ’™πŸ˜ˆπŸ“²πŸ˜‚
  • James Bond from 1977

    By Jolovesgum
    I actually saw this movie twice now. I saw it on September 2nd and last night at the movies at the double feature Roger Moore. It was awesome.
  • AWSOME!!!

    By Betcha
  • Best Film by Roger Moore

    By Survivor6198
    This is bond at its best and Roger Moore definitely at his best
  • Jaws. Jaws..

    By shinoiaia
    Great film..
  • JAWS!

    By Paul the Chemist
    One of my favorites! I love Jaws!! I love how he survives everything and how Roger Moore always smiles back at him before they fight.
  • This movie rocked

    By Mr Awesome 94
    Moore's best Bond, and definitely one of the best overall, if not the best. This movie is awesome because it has everything that was ever cool about bond; the charismatic hero, evil madman with an over the top plan for world domination, cool gadgets, fearsome evil henchman (namely jaws), intense close combat fights and pursuits, humor, exotic locations like Egypt and Sardinia, an epic clash between good and evil, and last but certainly not least, extremely beautiful women like Barbara Bach and Caroline Munro (my favorite). The plot was good enough to maintain interest, and the acting was generally decent, with Moore turning in a very convincing 007. Just buy it, it is just that good
  • Roger Moore's Best Bond

    By Mark in Beacon
    Roger Moore get's a bad press as Bond, mainly because he's remembered for being too old in A View to a Kill, and too comedic in The Man with the Golden Gun. The Spy Who Loved Me, however, is a great Bond film, and easily Moore's best. The opening sequence is a classic, and for the first time in Moore's portrayal of Bond, you see a slightly darker side of the character. Great movie. One shout out to iTunes, great to see such a fantastic transfer. The 1080p versions of all of these Bond films is staggeringly good.
  • Maybe THE BEST?

    By Paul McCartney is Awesome
    I'm not trying to bash Dr. No, Goldfinger, The Man With the Golden Gun, Licence To Kill etc... Ya know the classics! But this might be THE best Bond movie. It had Jaws, Awesome Action Pieces, a creepy villain, everything! It was just a great film!
  • This is the best thing to hit iTunes ever!

    By Aut Pax Aut Bellum
    So glad the Roger Moore collection is on iTunes.
