Casino Royale

Casino Royale

By Val Guest, Ken Hughes, John Huston, Joseph McGrath & Robert Parrish

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1967-04-19
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 2h 11min
  • Director: Val Guest, Ken Hughes, John Huston, Joseph McGrath & Robert Parrish
  • Production Company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 10,854 Ratings


Retired after years of international espionage, Agent 007 is lured back into action to battle the evil spy organization SMERSH in this parody of the James Bond films. David Niven portrays the aging Bond, who atypically rejects the advances of a variety of women, and agrees to battle SMERSH's hold on the lavish Casino Royale only after organization head M is murdered. Also mixed up in the affair are several other secret agents, all named James Bond, played by everyone from Peter Sellers and Woody Allen to a chimpanzee. A witty, zany parody of Bond, James Bond that perfectly captures the freewheeling spirit of the late 1960s.



  • Burt Bacharach score & “The Look of Love”

    By Big little Apple
    FYI: It was a Burt Bacharach score, e.g., “The Look of Love,” which became a hit for Dusty Springfield but many prefer Ronald Isley’s version with Burt’s arrangement, conducting that has many sublime songs with the combined genius of Isley & Burt, as well as the greatest cover of “Raindrops keep falling…” on that album “Here I Am: Isley Meets Bacharach.” Burt’s autobiography, Ch. 12, has the fascinating background for the score to this film, including the usual magnanimity of Herb Alpert (how many USC alumni give $30 million to fund the music school of the baby bears? Not to mention millions to CalArts, Harlem School of the Arts, & LACC (scholarships for all impecunious music majors, et al.)). Later, Burt remembered Herb’s saving kindness & gave him two #1 hits, “This Guy’s in Love…”; & “Close to you,” which Alpert’s company, A&M, gave to and released for the Carpenters. N.B. Bacharach was nominated for an Oscar. Ergo, the five stars are for the music, although the film is an interesting proto-postmodern hybridity, 4 stars to be kind and generous.
  • I had forgotten how BAD this movie is

    By Furutan1
    By far this is the extreme example of a waste of production cash in film history. Trash from start to finish.
  • Insane

    By That one Bloke1066
    Watch it at least once at some point in your life. This is not a James Bond film. This isn't even a film maybe. But watch it. There's a plot going about 30 min into the movie, and then it seems like the directors just dropped it lol. After that point it just gets crazier and crazier; when I saw the ufo land in Trafalgar Square in London I began to relax, and when the Native Americans arrived I didn't care anymore. 10/10.
  • Outstanding Bond Comedy!

    By Money $teve
    Along the lines of Austin Powers this movie makes an excellent comedy out of the James Bond franchise. It is a very Woody Allen / Peter Sellers style comedy so if you're into their work you will like this movie. Outstanding soundtrack and eye candy too! It's a little tough to understand the plot and it doesn't make perfect sense so just watch to enjoy and don't get too caught up in details.
  • Great movie

    By Kmoney_in_chas
    Beautiful women, funny, great music, all-star cast, and more beautiful women..... I first saw this movie as a young boy in the early 70's. it was deemed too racy for prime time television. It came on at 11:30 at night and I had to sneak to watch it. I was mesmerized by the beauty of this movie that was only matched by the music. The woody Allen scenes are hilarious. I even enjoy the end credits.
  • Fun!

    By SkyeeMR13
    Really loved watching this spy comedy. Absolutely love James Bond's calm cool and collected nature. Un phaseable. Loved this movie.
  • Fun movie to just enjoy...even if it is a mess !

    By Hirogomai
    If you are so anal that you cannot enjoy the visions of 5 different directors (going in 5 different ways LOL! ) an all star cast and a plot that is all over the place then don't watch this movie. If you can, you are in for a treat. Yeah, it doesn't have a very coherent plot. The storyline offered is weak but to watch the actors, enjoy the soundtrack and watch one of the craziest movies from the 60's, this movie stands on its own. The soundtrack is classic Henry Mancini and Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass supply the main theme. Peter Sellers is great along with David Niven and Ursula Andress, Orson Wells as Le Chiffre, George Raft, John Huston(who also directed), William Holden, Charles Boyer and Woody Allen who plays Jimmy Bond, James Bonds nephew...all hysterical. Enjoy even though the 'critics' didn't like it its fun when you color outside the lines!
  • Great cast, horrible plot!

    By DL555
    Very disappointing movie...
  • peter sellers and woody allen are funny

    By movie lover jimmy
    this movie could have been better and more funny. I did really like peter sellers and woody allen though
  • Cool Stuff

    By bpenn10
    I like Peter Sellers, and he was sooooo good in this movie, OMG!
