Night of the Creeps

Night of the Creeps

By Fred Dekker

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1986-08-22
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 29min
  • Director: Fred Dekker
  • Production Company: TriStar Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 508 Ratings


The night of the prom becomes the "Night of the Creeps" for a small-town college with a big-time problem! No one ever said college would be easy...Johnny (Ken Heron) and his girlfriend Pam (Alice Cadogan), the perfect co-ed couple, are enjoying Lover's Lane one evening in 1959 when suddenly Johnny's attention is diverted to an evil light. He leaves to explore it, never to return again. Twenty-seven years later, when two college boys, Chris (Jason Lively) and J.C. (Steve Marshall), pledge a tempestuous fraternity, they encounter Johnny's frozen body. When life returns to Johnny's corpse, a reign of terror begins as the mysterious" creeps" leave his brain, permeating the bodies of other frat boys and sorority girls, making zombies of their prey!



  • I've got good news and bad news, girls. The good news is your dates are here.

    By hockey sticks 78
    Great horror/sci-fi movie! It hits all the right notes. I loved this movie as a kid, and I love it as an adult.
  • Great 80's classic.

    By QingUilE
    80's horror that brings back memories of when movies were good

    By Person of Few Words
    A classic B-Movie that is sure to be remembered as one of the great horror/zombie/college movies of the decade. Also the cop played by Tom Atkins steals the show as he totally rocks in this movie.
  • Cheesy Yay!

    By RTemple
    Awesome classic horror slug-gore fest. This is the movie that eventually inspired the more recent "Slither" and if it didn't inspire it then it had to have been taken almost directly from it because they are the same movie for the most part. Either way its a lot of fun, a lot of gross and a lot of 80'sness so get ready for cheesy fun.
  • Looooove it

    By Mandalee24
    It's been a favorite of mine for years!!!!
  • Night of the creeps

    By Jasonhorrorfan
    One of the classic 80s horror. Awesome!!! Ol Tom Atkins.
  • This movie rules!! Tom Atkins is great!!

    By Long live Alice
    I first saw this flick on VHS back in the late 80's. It has remained one of my favorites ever since. The 1959 B&W scene is really cool. Lots of good 50's music is heard as well. Now let's get to the great Tom Atkins. He is absolutely one of my favorite actors and sites this little gem as one of his favs he's ever made. Night Of The Creeps is one fun movie to watch over and over again. THRILL ME!!!!!!!!
  • "classic"

    By Peter@Seattle
    As a kid, I found the leeches that fell out of the zombie heads to be quite terrifying. The movie has more activity in it then one would expect. 50's flashback scenes, an old murderer comes back from the dead, a zombie cat, and a ridiculous detective with entering-the-scene lines like "Thrill me". Mostly, though, it's a long setup for a bus to overturn dodging a zombie dog, killing all the stupid frat guys inside so they can zombify and go harass their waiting dates. 80's college comedy + flamethrowers and space alien zombies? What's not to like?
  • awesome flick

    By wolfbrown85221
    buy it! buy it! buy it! you wont regret it! this movie stand up even to todays standards! So much so that the movie slither pretty much rip the whole concept of this film!!! Dont rent! buy1 then but slither cause its just as good!!
  • Entertaining 80's movie, but more silly than scary.

    By nurpin
    For a B-type horror movie this is actually very entertaining, especially compared to some of the crap that's made today. Don't expect scares, since it's mostly humor and has a definite 80's vibe. If you want a creepy movie to scare you, this isn't it. But if you just want to watch a somewhat silly, yet entertaining horror movie, then this is for you.
