

By Mark Neveldine & Brian Taylor

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2009-09-04
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 34min
  • Director: Mark Neveldine & Brian Taylor
  • Production Company: Lionsgate
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
From 2,415 Ratings


At the center is Kable (Gerard Butler), the superstar and cult hero of "Slayers," the savage, ultraviolent first person shooter game. Kable is controlled by Simon, a young gamer with rock star status who continues to defy all odds by guiding Kable to victory each week. Taken from his family, imprisoned and forced to fight against his will, the modern day gladiator must survive long enough to escape the game to free his family, regain his identity and to save mankind from Castle's ruthless technology.



  • Think Mark of the beast

    By Ask&Seek123
    Think life under government control. Sin. Evil. Man is not getting better man is getting worse. Dark. Sad to think it could easily be the video games of the future. Disgusting. This movie is a warning. Very jumpy first person filming, lots of nudity, blood guts, etc.
  • Should have just made the HALO MOVIE instead

    By xKoAx Tucker
    It’s not too late, make the HALO MOVIE please!
  • This is one of the most awsomeness action movies ever!

    By agony343
    This is one of the most coolest action movies ever!!!
  • Gamer

    By S C Morgan
    I was pleasantly surprised when i saw this, interesting idea for a movie and lots of action
  • Not worth your time.

    By Rhostadt
    I generally like Gerard Butler, even in this movie. However, the movie itself is a repulsive waste of time. There are a lot of bad things I could say, but there's one in particular that sticks out in my mind. The creators decided to dredge up every negative computer/console gamer stereotype they could think of, and highlight them in the most offensive, disgusting ways they could imagine. It's like they set out to make their very target audience hate themselves. Gee, thanks.
  • Hero

    By undesputed fighter wolf
    Just so DAME cool
  • First of its kind

    By TerryTunstul
    This movie opens a a different movie style. Basically the adult version of Hunger games with that chilling feel to it. Movie couldn't happen but it's very creative good storyline good acting.
  • One of the worst...

    By jgreene777
    I've ever seen. I understand violence, sex and cursing in action movies helps it be "An Action Movie", but this one had far too much cursing, unrealistic splash damage on everything and gratuitous sex scenes. They could have done a BETTER job telling the story without all that and still been PG-13. It was just over the top and didn't contribute at all to a premise that could have actually made a good story.
  • One of the Worst...

    By Plasticanimalz
    ...movies I've ever seen. The writer/director team should never be allowed to work again. It's like 5 year olds making movies. No redeeming qualities. I thought it would at least be a fun, cheesy sci-fi film and I didn't even get that. After slugging through an hour or so of this crap I had to turn it off.
  • Well worth the watch

    By ZeroFugz
    This movie is so bugged out that it's awesome. Extremely interesting and very well done.
