Julie & Julia

Julie & Julia

By Nora Ephron

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2009-08-07
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 3min
  • Director: Nora Ephron
  • Production Company: Columbia Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,099 Ratings


Meryl Streep is Julia Child and Amy Adams is Julie Powell in writer-director Nora Ephron's adaptation of two bestselling memoirs: Powell's Julie & Julia and My Life in France, by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme. Based on two true stories, Julie & Julia intertwines the lives of two women who, though separated by time and space, are both at loose ends...until they discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible.



  • Julie & Julia

    By Noah Pfister
    A perfect movie that combines two great stories into one pretty good movie. It’ll make you laugh, cry, and get really freaking hungry. It’s a great date movie in general. Don’t watch it when you’re hungry though…but if you’re a guy and single, it’s a great movie to watch high. Yeah, it’s a vulgar and dumb way to put it, but trust me: you get invested in the food and the lives of these great women. Overall it’s a great movie to watch again and again. I know I grew to love it and I think you will too.
  • Entertaining film

    By gnidrg
    This is not an epic film, but is a movie of light entertainment that captures Julia Child during a pivotal moment of her life with a perfect characterization and accent by Meryl Streep and her wonderful husband Paul. The other half of the story about Julie Powell is also well done by Amy Adams and her character represents the rest of us--the fans of Julia--all those who attempt to cook as she did. The Julie Powell character does become self-absorbed, but that is acknowledged in the film and she grows out of it. Worth watching if you like these characters and actresses. If you remember the real Julia, you don't want to miss Streep's portrayal. I don't think the negative reviews are fair or justified.
  • Spanish

    By iCr013
    Audio and subtitles in spanish please
  • Enjoyed the movie and story

    By ReubenZ93
    I saw this movie when it was released in theaters, then read the book, and then watched it a couple times on video. It’s a tricky story because the scenes bounce around between the two women. But, meh, I enjoyed it. Why? Heck if I know why.
  • n0+ even b@d. G00d.

    By Jolovesgum
    Eye w@+ched Jul!e & Jul!@ l@$+ n!gh+ 0n Ne+fl!x 0n @ugu$+ 24, 2019 & Eye knew !+ w00d B@ gr8 m0v!e w!+h Meryl $+reep @z Jul!@ & @my @d@m$ @z Jul!e. !+ w@$ @l0+ 'b0u+ c00k!n' !n Fr@nce. !+ h@d @ very h@ppy end!n'. +he d@y Eye wr0+e d0wn !z !n +h@+ m0v!e.
  • It is not an "action" film but a real drama for adults.

    By Wizbang Trainer
    The story starts in the aftermath of 9/11 with Julie Powell feeling lost at a cross-roads of her life. She loves to cook and finally decides to go through Julia Childs French Cookbook. Julie is known to have a problem with finishing projects she starts so she makes a goal of 1 year to work her way through the cookbook at the same time we follow Julia Child from here beginnings to learn and keep herself busy while her husband works at US embassy's around the world. It takes a bit to understand why the film flips back and forth from historical Julia to present day Julie. Thankfully, the director does a masterful job of showing the purpose of this process without jamming it down your throat. I found this film utterly enjoyable from start to finish, however I understand other generations may balk at the lack of big name stars or want more drama/controversy etc. I loved this film as is.
  • I adore this movie

    By Ytsejam58
    I don't know how you can take the lives of two people, one following on the other's footsteps, and make it connect and flow so well. But they did it.
  • Blah

    By Admays
    Just blah.
  • Very average.

    By Froggleep
    Streep used to be an excellent actor, but fame has seemingly gone to her head. She over does it in almost every roll she's played in the last 15 years. Her over-the-top efforts here really ruin this movie. Not funny and not recommended. Streep reminds me a lot of Nicholson in the exact same way, although I'd say Nicholson has kept his act together much better than Streep. I know I'm in the minority regarding Streep, but compared to her early rolls, she just doesn't have it anymore.
  • disappointment

    By dr.kmayer
    I relished the premise and promise of this movie so I really tried to like it. However, the acting never became three dimensional, thus, this movie was just super boring. But I really, really tried. And in addition to the mind-numbing irritation due to the cartoon stand-ins for characters, I found the gratuitous, political, mini-lectures sprinkled throughout the movie completely cliche and unnecessary. I mean, yeah, we all get it. Republicans are all bad and all awful and all terrible and all narrow-minded and all obviously responsible for everyone’s bad day, every day, always. Of course. But let’s just give that a rest in a movie about cooks.
