A Dominican teenager, Miguel "Sugar" Santos, travels to the Midwest to play for the Swing of the Quad cities after seeing the movie "Field of Dreams."
By *chief*
Absolutely beautiful movie. That is all.
By Drt89
Loved it
Choque Cultural
By agmbler
Esta película muestra perfectamente las diferencias que existen entre países, sus culturas y su gente. A mí, no me gusta muchos deportes pero esta película no es de beísbol. Es sobre de ser una persona en un país extranjero. Querer ser socio de una nueva sociedad pero se siente perdido. Es una película excelente y alguien nació en un país y vino a otro país para vivir puede entender la lucha del protagonista.
Worth it
By Crookydog
This movie will not disappoint you. If you like baseball plus a true look on life then this is your movie. Fly ball, fly ball. You will know what I mean after you see the movie.
Good Movie
By baseball0224
Great movie with a very touching, realistic story to it. Although there is absolutely no reference to Field of Dreams throughout the entire film.
By thedice606
I think this was an amazing movie! It's kind of similar to the Blind Side with Sandra Bullock. I really recommend it!
By Jpayan
Best movie must see u won't regret it BUY IT
A masterpiece!
By NissoD
WOW..! This movie is a must see movie, really fascinating to watch the struggle and the dreams "Miquel" wants to pursue.
And just watching him experience it all, without speaking english, without exactly knowing what to to, or where to go, simply amazing. 5 Star +++++
must see
By down2earth
if you're interested in baseball and cross-over culture. well done. serious and some funny intermixed. worth my time spent watching it.