I Love You, Man

I Love You, Man

By John Hamburg

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2009-03-20
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 45min
  • Director: John Hamburg
  • Production Company: The Montecito Picture Company
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,750 Ratings


In this wildly funny hit comedy, Paul Rudd (Knocked Up) gets engaged to the girl of his dreams but has not a single guy friend to be his Best Man until he meets the ultimate dude, Jason Segal (Forgetting Sarah Marshall). Rudd and Segal’s “bro-mance” takes male-bonding to hilarious new heights that keep you laughing until the unforgettable last frame.



  • The Last 30 Min.

    By R.W.Wise
    At first, this movie seemed really relatable, and it was. However, it dragged forever because the writers put the climax in with only 30 min left. Throw in an overly awkward protagonist, disgusting sex jokes (which were not funny), and a bunch of gay awkwardness, it really wasn't much to my taste. The last 45 minutes though were great, and deserve a 4 out of 5.
  • An ok movie

    By Rambo8649
    This was ok. A great premise and some really funny parts.
  • I LOVE YOU, MAN is a modern comedy classic

    By GuitarHero1994
    Hilarious film. I highly recommend it.
  • How long can we rent?

    By pixelfoood
    How long can we rent movies for on iTunes?
  • Cringe worthy

    By Lougatzo
    This is a terrible movie. Paul Rudd is awful. Plot is so predictable. Don't waste your time.
  • haydentheboss

    By dudewhoneeds
    Nothing cheers me up quite like this movie
  • RUSH!!!

    By Joseph Rothstein
    Always loved this movie but when I saw rush on the time machine tour I few years ago, boy what a surprise it was to see the movie at the end with these guys!
  • Fun

    By Hye Ginger
    Awesome movie
  • Favorite Movie

    By 4myson
    I rarely write reviews but for this movie, I will! I have seen it at least 10 times and it still cracks me up. The casting between the two males and the girlfriend's reaction to them is classic. A must see!
  • Totes Magotes!!

    By Jswildfire
    So addicting, hilarious, and one of those movies you can watch again and again and still laugh hysterically! Love it!!!
