The Green Berets

The Green Berets

By John Wayne & Ray Kellogg

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1968-07-04
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 2h 21min
  • Director: John Wayne & Ray Kellogg
  • Production Company: Batjac Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 173 Ratings


Screen legend John Wayne stars in this war drama about a cynical war correspondent whose paper doesn't believe the U.S. should be involved in Vietnam. When he gets sent on special assignment, he has the opportunity to see the Special Forces in action as he travels to the war zone accompanied by two green berets. With a powerful cast of familiar television faces, featuring David Janssen ("The Fugitive"), Jim Hutton ("The Adventures of Ellery Queen"), George Takei ("Star Trek") and Jack Soo ("Barney Miller"). Co-directed by the Duke himself, and featuring Barry Sadler's hit song, "Ballad of the Green Beret."



  • Vietnam as a WWII movie

    By Furutan1
    This comes off as John Wayne's skewed take on Vietnam. This is Vietnam as forcibly reinterpreted into a WWII movie formula, as if there is some well-defined, totally united and resolutely committed conflict between good and evil. There is no understanding that the "good guys" supported and then took over for a truly evil, racist, and oppressive French regime, or how Ho Chi Minh spent decades trying to bring the U.S. in on his side in order to eject the French and create a democratic country before giving up and finding his solution by allying with the other guys. None of that is found here. Instead, it is just the thirty-year-old formula being applied to a situation in which both sides are both good and bad while trying to make it a movie about massive good against massive evil. It is very out of touch. This said - and if you can pretend that this is just entertainment - it works as a movie.
  • Ebert was an idiot.

    By Kenneth1192
    This film was part of the reason I joined Special Forces. It is unabashedly patriotic…which is a quality that is found in short supply today. People like Roger Ebert bought into the Leftist agenda and decided they had the right idea about things…but lost the whole idea that it’s only because of the efforts by the men of Special Forces and all of our Brothers In Arms, that he had the right and ability to express his lame opinion. This is an outstanding film.
  • A great movie that followed a great song

    By DisneyLover4Life
    The Green Berets was a movie that Wayne took very seriously, he even waited for approval by LBJ to make the movie. This movie was a way to show the folks back home how rough it was over there. And to those of you wondering on the G was the late 1960s or early 1970s when this came out, at that time most movies were rated G-PG, the only R rated films were adult entertainment films, and to those who believe Wayne chose not to serve....he was too old to go to Vietnam, plus at this particular time the US military cared about keeping important people safe. John Wayne was in every way an American, he loved his country; he was part of the Generations that loved and admired our Armed Forces, that doesn't truly exist anymore. It ended after the Vietnam conflict ended in 1975. So if you're into all War films this is for you, if you're more into WWII or others then pass this, you'll be disappointed cause you wont care. The Green Berets was one of the first (but not last) films that supported American involvement in Vietnam (i think we should of left it alone, but JFK was forced into giving a small commitment which he would of ended by 1965 if not for his assassination 11/22/63) LBJ's first priority was to give the military their goal which was an all open commitment to Vietnam, by 1968 the public was tired of the lives lost over there but we were there to the bitter end (research the Fall of Saigon for more information) For a more realistic point of view watch Hamburger Hill, which is the second best film in my opinion on Vietnam. Long live John Wayne's Legacy
  • Helped me get an A

    By William Dodenhoff
    I watched movie thinking oh it”s going to stink but I loved it. John Wayne really did do an amazing job. This movie helped me get an A in my 7th grade history class. THANK MR WAYNE
  • Our national chicken hawk !

    By Asantekamill
    The great American worrier who never fought a day in his life. He was to worried about his career to fight in a real war. A real phony like all the other chicken hawks!
  • WOOHOO!!

    Go John Wayne! He wasn't afraid to support his opions in spite of all those dang hippies
  • What kind of idiot gave this movie a "G" rating?

    By anonymous460927853
    I have no idea how this movie ever got a "G" rating. It shows literally hundreds of very gory deaths including people being impaled on spikes (not just one of these, but several people being impaled) and several events of stabbing people to death. There is also a scene where a female character seduces one of the Viet Cong generals. I understand about realism in war and all that, but for goodness sake at least rate the movie appropriately so that a viewer knows what they are getting into. Absolutely ridiculous.
  • Awesome sauce

    By 
    I'm only 11 but I get the story which is awesome but I didn't buy it I saw it on tv so yeah it's pretty gory and crap but I've always been interested in war and I really like John Wayne so pretty much the best movie I've ever seen
  • Good movie but violent

    By Clone wars fan
    This movie is really good, it is about a team of green berets in Vietnam as they fight and do daring missions. Although some of Charlie's ( north veitnamies) booby traps are rather frighting when someone is caught in it other then that awesome movie worth buying.
  • Green Berets

    By november169
    This is propaganda but take it from someone who has seen a few conflicts - it is no worse or better than other 'war' films. With regards to journalists who comment on films like this, i would say go to war first then comment. Studying conflict gives you a historic, 20/20 perspective that is as much use as a chocolate fireguard I have seen journalists blatantly making-up 'news' and the news they made-up related to guys who didn't survive There is no lower life-form. This film is good entertainment.
