Escape to Witch Mountain

Escape to Witch Mountain

By John Hough

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 1975-03-21
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 1h 37min
  • Director: John Hough
  • Production Company: Walt Disney Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 17.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 210 Ratings


A vehicle floats in midair...a coat rack comes to life and attacks a sheriff...and wild animals are putty in the hands of Tony and Tia Malone in Disney's thrilling fantasy adventure about psychic powers of two young orphans. Their clairvoyance prompts evil millionaire Aristotle Bolt (Ray Milland) to lure them to his mansion to exploit their powers. While escaping, they meet a friendly camper (Eddie Albert) and begin to unravel the mystery of their origin. Soon, all three are fleeing townspeople who have branded the children witches. But then IT happens! Someone with even greater powers takes over and leads the children - and the audience - into a dazzling and unexpected that is truly out of this world!



  • great movie

    By Reginald45
    LOVED this movie as a kid! I always wanted her pocketbook too. GREAT FAMILY MOVIE
  • It's nice

    By RedA8
    It's pretty good I first saw this movie when I was seven years old and I loved it and my parents still have the movieI give this movie a thumbs upfor the action and the adventure also for the sadness of the meaning 
  • Escape to Witch Mountain-Review

    By Fabfav
    I love this movie and am happy that I found it so I could see the ending. I have watched it many times but never got to see the ending.
  • Great movie

    By gmankravmaga
    I saw this movie when I was 14 and loved it. And that was a cuople of years ago. Which means that this movie is so good that even someone like me who has seen all the violant special effect laden movies likes this one. It is clean in ever sense of the word and the effects are old school which is great. It is exciting and in my opion more satisfing then seeing countless cars blowing up for no reason. It relys on top acting by the best. And it achives that. This generation that I was born in to is brain dead and needs to many special effects. Here is something to get you to think in a relaxing and fun way. Get this right now.
  • My Favorite Movie Since The Third Grade

    By Gowriter
    This has been my favorite movie since the third grade, and by then, the movie was nearly a decade old. I never get bored of this movie. There's a sweetness and a charm to it that is classic Disney that you don't see in a lot of the super power movies today. Of course, this is a kids film, so it's meant to be that way. Hard to believe that these two star actors are now in their forties. They both recently appeared in Race to Witch Mountain in a short cafe scene. Kim Richards has come a long, long way since her Witch Mountain and Tuff Turf days. Other than Race To Witch Mountain, the last movie I saw her in was Black Snake Moan. She took some time off to raise a family while her niece, Paris Hilton, took the spotlight. This will forever be a childhood favorite.
  • Critique

    By drwho_1957
    I knew Eddie and he enjoyed making this movie. The only complaints would be that Movie Tech at the time was about 5 years ahead of what was used for this production. But, considering the target audience of the time it was acceptable. Remember. The adults write the reviews. Oh, And I was a kid when this movie was released.
  • Re-living A Drive-In Memory... It's As Great as I Remember!

    By Johnny Video
    Ahhh, sometimes the best thing about re-makes is that it reminds you to check out a great movie from your youth. I remember seeing this one in both the local movie theatre and the drive-in. Why doesn't Disney make movies like this anymore? This is a real classic that might just even appeal to today's kids, but who knows. For me, what great fun to see it again, I remember so many scenes and it brought back so many memories. This was a lot of fun. Hard to believe it's over 30 years now. Enjoy!
  • Great Movie

    By abc123katie280
    This was a wonderful movie. I have seen this movie numerous times and never gotten bored of it. I really recommend it!!! :) If you have seen the remake and liked it then maybe you will like this also.
  • the real escape

    By jemha39
    This original was SOOOO much better than the remake!!! Loved this movie as a kid and still do. The new one has no imagination or wonderment as this one did. I think even the special effects are better here!! You gotta see this one.. :)
  • Movie

    By rtk50
    the new movie was good with the efects but this is a even better movie
